
The First Love

Our Christmas Eve 2019 message at Centerpoint Church.

December 24, 2019

Everything unfolded exactly as it should have. Jesus was born exactly where He was supposed to be born. What does this say about God? And what does it tell us about ourselves? How in need of a Saviour are we? Do we live this way or are we forgetful? Let's set our hearts and minds on the true meaning of Christmas the special evening.

The First To Worship

December 22, 2019

Jesus is the firstborn over all Creation. The source of all life and hope. He is the eternally existing Creator who came to live among us. Our only proper response is to fall in worship at His feet! The Wisemen understood this even though they lived a far off. Why did it take a foreign group of Magi to give Jesus the praise He deserved? The shepherds came even though they would have been considered unworthy by the religious leaders of the day. Why were they invited by the angels? We need to guard against being so familiar with Jesus' story that we fail to appreciate His majesty and give Him the glory He is due.

The First Prophecy

December 8, 2019

John the Baptist was a necessary person in the story of Christ. But why? What was the purpose of a "forerunner of Jesus"? What is the significance of the prophet? And what does this say about the importance of the ultimate (and first in importance) Prophet from Galilee?

The First Promise

December 1, 2019

The promise of a Saviour came right at the same moment the consequences of our sin were revealed. From the seed of Eve, a SEED would come to save us all. God's promises were right there from the beginning! And His promises will sustain us no matter what the trials and tests of life might buffet us.