
Wide Awake and Ready!


Wide Awake and Ready - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

August 25, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

Wide Awake and Ready I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Battle Strategy for Life on a War-torn Planet No commander worth his salt would send troops into battle without adequate training, equipment, and a winning strategy. Citizens of the Kingdom of God are provided with all three. The goal of these strategies is nothing less than to please God and bring Him great glory. In the Bible, these strategies are also known as “doing God’s will.” In I Thessalonians 5:16-18, we are given a three-pronged strategy for success in daily living; “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances.” This strategy is exactly the opposite of the world’s battle plan which is; grab for the pleasures of the flesh, attempt be self-sufficient, and complain about everything. A simple adjustment of our attitudes and words will invite the daily victory of Jesus. Where once was darkness and despair, this three pronged strategy will bring light and hope. Join us this Sunday as we learn to walk in victory! Blessings, Pastor Steve Growth Group Discussion Guide Week of August 26th Q: When have you felt the most gratitude toward God? Q: Do you “give thanks” to God in public, such as praying before a meal? Why or why not? READ FIRST: I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Q: Is “giving thanks” an act of the will or the emotions? Does it seem insincere to speak words of thanksgiving when you don’t feel grateful in your heart? Q: In spite of all the harsh circumstances life throws at a Christian, what are some things for which we can always praise God? Q: What does this verse mean by "For this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus?”Does this command seem impossible to obey at times? Why is giving thanks important to God? Why is this important for us?

Never Stop Praying - Big Faith, Small God or Small Faith, Big God

August 18, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

I Thessalonians 5:17 “Never Stop Praying!” Big Faith, Small God or Small Faith, Big God? Many false teachers today have the same message - If your faith is big enough, God will always heal you and make you prosper. As if God has no plan of His own. He is compelled to give those with big faith anything their heart desires. This “big faith” theology equals a very small, insignificant God. Others, however, who hold to the perfect authority of God’s word, hear Jesus’ say that all we need is a tiny, mustard seed of faith. If we posses mustard-seed faith, we will see God enact His will. True faith, by Christ’s definition, always involves the surrender of our will to His Sovereign plan. And a big God has the power to do anything He chooses. (Matthew 17:20) This “Big God” theology only requires faith to believe that Jesus is the Christ and that He acts according to His Sovereign will. His will is always “good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:1) So, when a teacher tells you to work your faith into a really big frenzy, tell Him your God is bigger than his faith. And God can always be trusted. Praying for you, Pastor Steve

How to Live Like a King's Kid - Part Two

August 11, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

The oldest book in the Bible tells the story of the suffering of a righteous man. In a matter of a few days, Job suffered the loss of his all his wealth, his servants, his seven sons and three daughters, and his health. The only thing left to him was the breath in his lungs and the affliction of three insensitive, know-it-all “friends.” We live in tragic and sorrow-filled days. Mass shootings have become increasingly more common in our nation. According to the LA Times, in order for an act of violence to be classified as a “mass shooting,” at least 4 individuals must lose their lives. By this standard, since the beginning of 2019, there have been 4 mass shootings, for a total of 48 lives lost. Unimaginable suffering and chaos has resulted from these senseless, wicked acts. For a follower of Jesus Christ, the most impactful response to this news is to cry out to God and “weep with those who weep.” We cry out for His comfort on those who have suffered great loss. And we fervently pray for the rapid spread of the gospel, revival in His church, and the healing of the soul of our nation. There is only One ultimate answer to our national sorrow. In Job 9:32, we read the ancient cry of a broken heart, “If only there were a mediator between us, someone who could bring us together.” Job longed to have an advocate in the Heavenly courtroom. He was fully aware that he could not find favor with God by the strength of his own virtue. (Job 9:32-35, NLT) Six centuries later, the answer to Job’s heart-cry would be realized in the coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to “set the captives free” and “bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted.” He fully accomplished His mission, and He is now the “one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity.” (I Tim. 2:5) With Jesus as our mediator, we can bring our requests before the Father with full confidence. And He commands that we pray for all people, especially for “Kings and all who are in authority.” And we pray, “Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, forgive our sins and heal our land.” Fight the good fight, Pastor Steve

How to Live Like a King's Kid - Part 1

August 4, 2019 • Pastor Luke Dailey

As a person who was blessed to have grown up in a Christian home, I have many people to be grateful for. My parents, though not perfect, lived a gospel focused life. They showed me what it means to not only say you’re a Christian but to also live it out. In fact, their imperfections made the gospel more clearly understandable. They were parents who weren’t focused on their good deeds or perfect marriage. They were parents that were dependent upon the Savior. Along with my parents showing me the Christian life, Chris Wright took the time to teach me the gospel and how it translated into every area of life. He spent time teaching me his love for Jesus. I witnessed him living the gospel out in ways that I never seen before. He was a man that walked by the Spirit of God. And then, of course, I have Pastor Steve Pope to be grateful for. This is a man that has walked with me for the last 8 years. He has been mentoring me into ministry. His devotion to truth in Scripture and his love for God is one to be admired. He’s a man that I look up to. I respect and love him because of the life he leads. We all have people we look up to. Our passage in 1 Thessalonians 5 tells us to honor and respect those that teach us the Word of God. We have so many to be thankful for. Come this Sunday prepared to give thanks to God for the men and women He has placed in our lives to build us up in His character. See you Sunday, Pastor Luke

The King is Coming! Part 3

July 28, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

Growth Group Discussion Guide Week of July 28th Q: What’s the nicest surprise you’ve ever received?When you were sound asleep, what’s the rudest awakening you’ve ever received? Q: Does any aspect of the Lord’s return make you nervous or afraid? If so, why? READ FIRST: I Thessalonians 5:1-11 Q: What does the phrase “God did not appoint us to wrath” mean in this context? Do you have any struggles thinking about God as possessing wrath as well as love? How does He rescue us from His wrath? (v. 9) Q: How does the message of the Lord’s return serve as an encouragement? (v. 11) How does this message “build us up?” Q: What risk do we run if we ignore the teaching of the Day of the Lord? Where do you hear the message of “peace and security?” How can we resist false teaching that rejects the warning of Christ’s return and coming judgment? Sermon Meditation for Sunday, July 28th The King is Coming! Part 3 I Thessalonians 5:1-11 Joyce and I had a wonderful time last weekend in Huston, Texas! We shared the great joy of celebrating the wedding of a beloved Centerpoint son. The wedding took place in a neighborhood that had been inundated with water during Hurricane Harvey. Most homes had suffered damage inflicted by several inches of standing water. Harvey was responsible for at least 107 deaths. Total damage from the hurricane was estimated at $125 billion. This hurricane was among the costliest natural disasters in our nation’s history. It’s definitely a good idea to have an evacuation plan and to be prepared for natural disasters. No matter where you live in the USA, disaster preparedness should be a high priority. Floods, fires, freezes, tornados, earthquakes, and even volcanos are always a possibility. Batteries, fresh water, food, and medical supplies might be needed in case of a disaster. In some cases, there is no forewarning for the moment of crisis, so preparations need to be made in times of peace and safety. So, how should we prepare for the events surrounding the return of Christ? None of us will have any forewarning of His return. So we prepare now and await the Day of the Lord with joyful anticipation. Join us this Sunday as we prepare together for the Day of the Lord! Are you ready for what comes next? See you on Sunday, Pastor Steve

The King is Coming! Part 2

July 14, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

Growth Group Discussion Guide Week of July 14th Q: Are you ready for the next disaster? What preparations have you made? Emergency water? Food? Keeping your gas tank full? READ FIRST: I Thessalonians 4:13-18 Q: Does our passage encourage you, confuse you, or worry you? Q: Who do you most look forward to meeting at the resurrection of the dead? Q: In what areas would you like to be better prepared for Jesus’ return? If you knew the trumpet would blow in the next few hours, is there any task that would feel undone? Q: Are there any areas of confusion remaining concerning Christ’s return? If so, tell your Growth Group leader to write your questions and pass them on to me for inclusion this series! Pray together for lost friends and family members! Sermon Meditation for Sunday, July 14th The King is Coming! Part 2 I Thessalonians 4:13-17 “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time for my departure is close.” I greatly enjoy a good cup of hot coffee in the morning. I have many “coffee snobs” for friends who hang around trendy coffee shops with names like “No Doze Cafe” and “Impresso Espresso,” or my daughter’s favorite, “Auggies Cafe.” At the risk of loosing the respect of the coffee aficionados among us, I confess to a love for a steaming hot cup of church coffee, brewed in a 50 cup tin pot. The marketing motto of Maxwell House fits best, because church coffee is “good to the last drop!” This marketing phrase has a long history behind it. According to ancient coffee lore, when President Roosevelt visited Andrew Jackson in 1907, he was served Maxwell House Coffee. He reportedly said that it was “Good to the last drop.” Only Roosevelt and Jackson know if this is true, and they’re not telling. The Apostle Paul, toward the end of his days on earth, testified that his life had been poured out like a “drink offering.”* With the return of Christ so near, this should be our growing passion - to pour out our lives in serving Christ. As Jesus is with us to the end of this life, our prayer must be that we will have the courage to keep sharing His love, ministry and gospel on this earth. And, as we plan to pour out our lives to the very end, may our offering be “good to the last drop.” See you there or in the air! Pastor Steve *II Timothy 4:6

The King is Coming! Part 1

July 7, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

Growth Group Discussion Guide Week of July 7th Q: What’s the nicest surprise you’ve ever received? READ FIRST: I Thessalonians 4:13-18 Q: How would the Thessalonians have felt if they had remained ignorant of the Christian’s resurrection and of Christ’s return? How would Paul’s words have encouraged them? Q: Do Paul’s words about Christ coming as a “thief in the night” (at an unknown time) calm or stir up fear? Q: What is most encouraging about this passage? (4:18) Q: How can you be better prepared for Christ’s return? Pray together for lost friends and family members!