
Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018

When Jesus Calls Your Name - John 20:11-18

April 1, 2018 • Pastor Steve Pope

Sermon Meditation for Easter, 2018

John 20:11-16

Have you ever wondered what Jesus looks like? In Revelation 19, we see Jesus as a mighty and victorious warrior; a King who rides out of heaven on an awesome white stallion.* In Holiness, righteousness, and unequaled power He comes to wage war and destroy the kingdom of sin and darkness. His eyes flash with fire and on His head are many crowns. His robe is dipped in blood and heaven’s armies follow Him without question. A sword comes out of His mouth, and He will rule the nations with a rod of iron*. This is Jesus, God in the flesh, creator and King of the entire universe. There is no being higher or more exalted. In Heaven, He wears clothes of glory and reigns in majesty.

But what did He look like when He was in His resurrected body on earth? To Mary, He looked like a gardener! She did not mistake Him for a prince or a king, but for a simple laboring man. The place where Jesus had been entombed was in the midst of a garden, so this was a reasonable assumption.

In the resurrection, He could be mistaken for any man. In fact, “There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him.”

He was fully man; He walked among us and looked just like us. But He was fully God; He gave His life for us and killed death through His resurrection. And now He reigns in majesty and unspeakable beauty. And He calls us by name that we might follow Him.

Looking forward to celebrating Resurrection Sunday with you!

Pastor Steve

Revelation 19:11-14
Psalm 2:9; Isaiah 11:4; Revelation 2”27
Isaiah 53:2b

Home Fellowship Discussion Guide
Q: Describe a time when you mistook someone for the wrong person.

Q: In your opinion, what’s the greatest proof for the resurrection of Jesus?

READ FIRST: John 20:11-19

Q: Would you have responded to the empty tomb more like Mary or more like the disciples?

Q: Does Mary appear to be quietly grieving, or more hysterical? What finally breaks through her grief and confusion (v. 16)?

Q: What term does Jesus use for His disciples here (v. 17)? What is new in their relationship from now on? (See 15:15)

Q: How has Jesus spoken your name in a time of grief? How did it affect you?

Q: What does it mean to you that Jesus calls you “brother?”

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