
Week 7 - Thy Will Be Done

Luke 22:39-46

April 14, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

Growth Group Discussion Guide
Week of April 14th

Q: In times of crisis, do you stay cool, get hot, panic or dig in?

READ FIRST: Luke 22:39-46

Q: What strikes you about Jesus’ prayer? In saying, “your will be done,” is Jesus: (a) hopelessly submitting to fate? (b) Admitting defeat before a power that beat him? (c) Bitterly resigning Himself to the inevitable, or (d) Quietly trusting in God’s love?

Q: What temptation do you think the disciples were likely to fall in to in this setting? (v. 40 & 46) Could this be a general principle for overcoming temptation?

Q: What do you think Jesus was most concerned about in His prayer? The pain of crucifixion? Or the “cup.” What were the contents of this cup?

Q: Although Jesus had to “drink the cup,” how did the Father support Him at this crisis moment? (v. 43) Is there “a principle to live by" here for those who suffer?

Announce Good Friday service and encourage folks to invite friends for Easter worship!

Sermon Meditation for Sunday, April 14th
To Know and Be Fully Known, Part 7
Thy Will be Done
Luke 22:39-46

" . . . take this cup from me . . .”

What’s the worst beverage you’ve ever had? Was it too sweet? Too bitter? To bland? I promise that it was nothing compared to the cup Jesus refers to in His garden prayer. That cup was filled with the undiluted wrath of God toward all the sin and rebellion of mankind. Drinking of that cup was sure to bring about a certain and violent death. Little wonder that Jesus asked for escape from this particular torture.

From Jesus’ prayer, however, we learn two important lessons. First, that we are safe asking anything of our loving Father, trusting that He wants only good gifts for us. And, second, any request we bring must be from a heart of full submission to the plans and purposes of God in our lives. A fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ wants the will of God to be done, no matter what the personal cost.

The hope in this prayer is seen in the strength provided by a visiting angel. All who suffer in submission to God have all the resources of Heaven available. The Lord will strengthen and attend to those who suffer.

And, the ultimate message is that submission to God’s purposes will always result in a resurrection.

See you on Palm Sunday!
Pastor Steve