
Wide Awake and Ready! Week Three

1 Thessalonians

May 12, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

Growth Group Discussion Guide
Week of May 12th

Q: What was one of your most memorable failures in junior or senior high?

READ FIRST: I Thessalonians 2:1-8

Q: What rumors about Paul have been spread by his opposition? Does Paul sound reassuring to you? What concerns might linger?

Q: From verses 1-12, what does “ethical evangelism” look like? What would its opposite look like? What do the images of being a “mother” (v. 7) and a father (v. 11) add to this picture? What do these images say about caring for your own children or for “young” believers?

Q: How did the apostle Paul measure success? (v. 1) What form might the “strong opposition” have taken? (v. 2) What opposition do you face in sharing the gospel with lost friends and family?

Q: Does a tendency to be a people-pleaser ever limit you in sharing the gospel? What might help you overcome this reluctance?

Sermon Meditation for Sunday, May 12th
Wide Awake and Ready! Part 3
"God Pleasers"

READ: I Thessalonians 2:1-8

Paul and Silas were mightily used by God in the spread of the gospel. They didn’t preach to receive accolades or flattering words. They didn’t preach to build an audience. And they received no riches - only increasing levels of persecution; beatings, imprisonment and martyrdom were their constant companions. But they faithfully continued to preach “in season and out of season” that the lost might be reconciled to God.

The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. It begins with the terrible news of mankind’s spiritually dead condition. This results in a natural bent toward selfishness and self-destruction. The good news is that Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection offers the hope of new life and a permanent love-relationship with God.

It’s really impossible to preach a clear and true gospel without offending the pride of men (Galatians 5:11). The gospel story begins with the confession of our sin-dead condition. It then breaks our will by moving us to accept Jesus’ full control over our days, decisions and our future destiny. Only the Holy Spirit can bring a man to realize his sin and admit his need for a Savior.

Only a preacher who has died to any hope of pleasing men will be qualified to deliver the message. Only a man who has set his heart upon pleasing God only will be used by God to deliver His redemptive plan.

Hope to see you this Sunday!
Pastor Steve