
The Crucial First Step - Galatians 3:10-14

Galatians 3:10-14

January 20, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope


The Crucial First Step
Galatians 3:10-14

“It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going.” Hebrews 11:8

God called Abraham to step out of his comfort zone of home, family, and provision. He only had to take one bold, daring step to begin the journey into his God-ordained future. He followed without question, leaving his home in Ur of the Chaldees “without knowing where he was going!” (Hebrews 11:8)

Pause and think about this for a moment. What if God told you to pack your car and begin driving today . . . to an unknown destination. To leave family, friends, and home with no advance planning on your part and no idea of the destination God has in mind. Raise a little anxiety?

Abraham was called to be the Father of a great nation and God’s invitation was simple and clear. Following this first step of faith, God would then lead him daily, one step at a time. This willingness to follow became the patten for his life and the rest is history. But the journey could only begin after Abraham took this essential first step.

The first step in our journey of faith can produce a combination of excitement and fright. Just like Abraham, we are called to leave our native country and begin to walk. Our native country is the bondage of the world, the flesh and Devil, but the familiar is almost always less frightening than the unknown.

Where to? To a land you know not of, fully trusting God with each new day. Only He knows the future He has planned for us. The life we begin in faith is to be completed in the same manner - by faith. We are saved by faith, live by faith, and enter glory by faith. What a day of rejoicing that will be!

We, like Abraham, are called to walk away from the familiar into the unknown, fully trusting the one who guides us. ONLY ONE STEP TO YOUR NEW HOMELAND! He waits for you to take the first step by faith, fully trusting His plan for your life.

This year can be the start of something new!

The “real children of Abraham, then, are all those who put their faith in God.” (v. 7) And so it is, “all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith.” (v. 9)

Hope to see you this Sunday!
Pastor Steve
Growth Group Discussion Guide
Week of January 29th

Q: When you were dating, were you ever dropped for someone else? What did that do to your emotions?

Q: How did your walk with Jesus Christ begin?

READ FIRST: Galatians 3:1-14
Q: What question does Paul ask the Galatians in verse 2? Why is this issue so crucial?

Q: How does a person receive the Spirit? What “goal” (v.3) does the Spirit help a person to achieve that human effort cannot attain?

Q: What does the example of Abraham teach us about faith and righteousness?

Q: What kind of balance should there be between “observing the law” (v. 2) and faith?

Q: Who are the true children of Abraham? Who is eligible to be one?

Q: What “additions” to faith might outsiders sense in your Christian circles regarding what they should do to be approved? How can you help to break down these barriers?

Children of Promise - Galatians 4

January 27, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

Children of Promise! Galatians 4 Do you remember where you were on November 22nd, 1963 when you received the news? Any American who was alive and aware at that time will have trouble forgetting that tragic day. On the streets in Dallas, Texas, our president was gunned down in cold blood and the presidency of John F. Kennedy came to an end. His brief and idyllic term in office was often referred to as “Camelot,” and the nation grieved our loss. We were profoundly changed. Just one month earlier, Kennedy’s young son John-John played at his feet under the Resolute desk in the Oval Office. A three year old with full access to the greatest seat of power in the world, with the blessing and pure affection of a loving father. Jacqueline, his Mom, refused to allow the children to be photographed in political situations, but Dad invited the photographer while she was out of the country. And so the iconic photo below lives on in our national memory. Just think about it - a small child with full access to the most powerful man in the world. While navigating issues on international importance such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, he still had time to take his young son into his lap and listen to all his endless questions. A playful and loving father. A child who was fully loved and welcomed into his father’s presence. Those of us who have believed in Jesus Christ for our salvation have a perfectly loving Father who will never leave us or walk away. While He controls all the essential processes of the universe, He still grants His children full, unhindered access to His Presence. And we are invited to approach His throne of grace with confidence so that we might “receive his mercy, and find grace to help us when we need it most.” (Hebrews 4:12) In our moments of greatest need, we cry out to “Abba, Father.” And He embraces us with His love and grants the mercy only a devoted Father can provide. Hope to see you Sunday! Pastor Steve Growth Group Discussion Guide Week of January 29th Q: What story do (or did) your parents tell about your birth? READ FIRST: Galatians 4:21-31 Q: What is your favorite Old Testament story? What do you remember about Hagar and Sarah? Q: How does Hagar represent the covenant of Law given to the Jews through Moses on Mount Sanai (v. 24)? Q: Why does Paul turn the tables on this story and indicate that the Jews are actually the ones in slavery with Hagar - their slave woman mother (v. 25)? Q: What does verse 27 say figuratively about Sarah’s children? How did the spiritual and numerical growth of the Gentiles fulfill this Scripture from Isaiah? Q: How does verse 30 give a stern warning to the Judaizers? What is God saying to you in this passage? Q: Do you feel more like Hagar (a slave to rules) or Sarah (a free, loved and forgiven Christian)? How can you live out your freedom in Christ, and still please Him with sacrificial obedience?

A Freedom that Cost Everything - Galatians 2

January 13, 2019 • Pastor Luke Dailey

A Freedom that Cost Everything Galatians 2 Freedom isn't free, it always costs something. We are blessed to live in a country that is free. I'm amazed every time I read a story of believers in other countries that are being locked up, tortured and murdered simply for believing in Jesus. What an awesome privilege we have to speak the gospel to all who will hear without fear of persecution! This freedom we have did not just come out of thin air. Men and women have sacrificed their lives in order for us to experience this freedom. As Christians we experience a freedom from spiritual death. The Bible teaches that every person is born into sin and is, therefore, dead to God. We walked around as spiritual zombies. Dead people can't do a lot. . . ok, dead people can't do anything! That's the state we were in before Jesus came and gave us new life. Now the life that we have is a life of freedom. Jesus broke our bondages, destroyed our chains, killed our sins, and has given us life! The freedom that we have is a freedom that cost Jesus everything. The God Man, Jesus, gave up His glory to come down to earth as a human to do what no other human could ever do - live a sinless life and be the sacrifice for all. The Creator who breathes out life gave up His life so that we would experience freedom. So why would we tangle ourselves again to a bondage that doesn't exist? How sad to think of all the people who have been offered freedom but have taken a cheap version of God's grace towards us instead. Come experience the freedom that cost Jesus everything. See you Sunday, Pastor Luke

Another Gospel - Galatians 1

January 6, 2019 • Pastor Steve Pope

Growth Group Discussion Guide Week of January 6th Q: When did you first come to understand the Truth about Jesus? How long did it take you to respond? Q: How do you normally respond when you know someone is lying to you? READ FIRST: Galatians 1 WELCOME TO THE SYNOD OF CENTERPOINT! Q: God warns us in Galatians 1 of the danger of those who teach “another gospel.” As a group, make a list of those things you consider “essential gospel truths.” Q: As a group, decide together upon five essential truths concerning the identity of Jesus Christ. Q: As a group, agree together concerning your doctrine of the Bible. Where does this Bible come from? On a continuum between truth and lies, what rating does the Bible receive? Q: Discuss the dangers of a “works based” religion. (Gal. 2:3-5) Q: Is it easy or hard for you to take a stand upon the truth you believe? If this is hard for you, why is this so? (READ Gal. 1:10) Sermon Meditation for Sunday, January 6th “Another Gospel” Galatians 1 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15 “And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.” Matthew 24:11 Welcome to the season of the designer religion in America. Everyone kinda’ likes Jesus, but not many love the truth. They admire His love, but are hostile to His holiness. And more and more folks despise Jesus’ church. Even if they do believe the church belongs to Jesus, many Christians have rationalized reasons to ignore her. Enter the designer religion - a little bit of this, a little bit of that, season to taste with messages of tolerance and comfort, and then worship the god of your own making (II Timothy 4:3). This god will make no demands, and will certainly never call for repentance. But neither does this religion have the power to save and deliver. Join us this Sunday as we examine “another gospel” and learn to separate the Truth from lies. (Gal. 1:8) Even if an angel himself were to appear and preach to you another gospel, it would be death to listen and follow. Only the full Truth of Jesus’ gospel has the power to set people free. Come and learn to discern. Pastor Steve