
Part 6 - A person who bears fruit

To abide is to live in the loving union God has made with us by His Spirit in the depths of our being.

Jesus’s great invitation to us can be summed up in one word: with. To be with Him, rest in Him, and enjoy Him is our inheritance and delight. Only in the fellowship of true communion will we find our identity, purpose, and destiny in the arms of His embrace, and only in this place of abiding are we released to bear fruit in others (i.e. making disciples).

Who is Doug Burleigh?
Doug Burleigh is a follower of Jesus. He first began serving the Lord through the ministry of YoungLife, eventually serving as President from 1987-1992. Soon after, Doug began traveling the world lifting up the name of Jesus alongside Doug Coe in DC, amidst youth in the former Soviet Union, and around the world in various countries. Through it all, Doug has modeled and taught the core attributes of a disciple that Jesus embodied and imparted to the twelve. Join us on this remarkable opportunity to listen and learn from Doug and reflect on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.