
Sarah Taylor

Radio DJ

"There comes a shift when it's no longer about me with a microphone, and what do I have to say. It's about who's listening, and what's God speaking to their heart?"

Sarah Taylor is a Radio DJ and Music Director at Spirit 105.3, a faith-based radio station serving the Greater Seattle area. Through her careful song selection, listening ear, and compassionate heart, Sarah seeks to bring joy and hope into the lives of everyday people.

How do you stay centered on Jesus in your everyday life?

I’m often just thinking about Him. Like, if I’m frustrated in traffic or in a creative brainstorm meeting at work, or needing to apologize to someone, or even at the grocery store, I feel like I have an on-going conversation in my mind with Him. I guess it's sort of like talking to yourself, only I’m talking to Him. I ask Him for help me be attentive to His Holy Spirit – which changes my conversations with others and changes my agenda for the day.

Describe what a typical work day looks like for a Radio DJ.

Half my day is spent in the studio, broadcasting on-air and editing audio. The other half is in my office, listening to new music and talking with various record labels about artists and songs, answering email, and working on show prep for the next day.

How would you define a ministry of presence?

Just showing up. Sitting with someone. Not having an answer, but having a listening ear. Silently praying while a friend is talking, asking the Holy Spirit to guide my response. Is this a time to speak up or to hold back? Is my friend seeking my advice, or just a sympathetic ear? Also, it doesn’t have even be face to face. Sometimes a friend will text me, and we just share what's going on in our day. We laugh at the good stuff, celebrate the victories, and carry the hard stuff together. Sometimes we'll even write “thank you for helping me hold this so I don’t hold it alone.”

What have you learned about the power of music that you think might help others?

I could write for hours to answer this question. Music does something to us that transcends regular speech and thought. Its scientifically proven to heal. The frequency, the harmonies, everything. I hear every day from someone who heard “just the right song at just the right time.” There's a documentary called “Alive Inside” which I recently watched on Netflix, in which patients with Alzheimer’s disease “came alive” with memories and speech when they were listening to their favorite music.

There are so many simple was to incorporate music into our everyday lives. Turning the TV off and turning some uplifting music on is a good start. You can feel the atmosphere change in your home. Also, taking in live music in concert is an incredibly bonding experience with friends and family. I was noticing the other day our whole family was plugged into devices (phones, iPads, TV) so I shut it all off, pulled out a puzzle, and sat down with my husband, daughter and son at the dining room table. I searched for cello music on YouTube, and played it in the background. My husband started talking about growing up playing in the Seattle Youth Symphony, sharing childhood memories with our kids. The simple act of listening to music together started a great conversation! We sat together for about 30 minutes, without looking at screens or multitasking, and it was so recharging!