Christians claim that the coming of Jesus is Good News. But is that just wishful thinking on our part or is it faith based on evidence? Is the Christmas story just a fairy tale to make us feel better or is Jesus really the Son of God who came to save us from our sins and give us a better life? Visit us at
A Lord For The Lowly
December 24, 2023 • Shad Baker
The Christmas story illustrates God’s strong love for the lowly. God chose an unknown teenage girl to give birth to the Savior of the world (Luke 1:26-38). And God chose poor shepherds to be the first to come and see the newborn king (Luke 2:8-20). Since God has chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith, we should come to God with a humble heart and receive by faith the good news of Jesus Christ! Join us at
A Gentle And Lowly Christmas
December 24, 2023 • Shad Baker • Matthew 11
Jesus says he is gentle and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:29). When Jesus came to earth he came in the gentle and lowly form of a baby, born to poor parents, and placed in a lowly manger. Because Jesus came in such an approachable form, we can come to him and find rest for our souls. Christmas is the celebration of Christ coming gentle and lowly to bring rest to all who would receive him. Join us at