Does the Bible tell one big story? It does and Jesus Christ is centerstage in each act of His story. In Colossians 1:15-23, Paul teaches the Colossian church about the supremacy and centrality of Jesus Christ in creation, its fall, redemption, and creation’s complete restoration. The story of the Bible is our story, and because of the person and work of Jesus Christ, our story has deep meaning, value, and purpose. This message gives four points to consider from the passage: 1. Creation, 2. The Fall, 3. Redemption, and 4. Restoration. Visit us at
What Do We Do About Eternity?
August 20, 2023 • Shad Baker
Jesus said he will divide believers from unbelievers like a shepherd divides sheep from goats (Matthew 25). Jesus can make this separation because he knows the secrets of the heart (Romans 2:16). Unbelievers will experience different degrees of punishment based on how they responded to what they knew. Believers will not be judged or condemned (Romans 8:1). While the believer will not be judged, their work will be judged by fire and what lasts will be generously rewarded (1 Corinthians 3). Therefore, believers should encourage and stir each other up to live for Christ! (Hebrews 10:24,25). Visit us at
What About The Return Of Jesus?
August 13, 2023 • Shad Baker • Matthew 24
When will Jesus return? Many people have attempted to predict the day of Christ’s return. In Matthew 24:36-51, however, Jesus explains that no one knows the day and hour of the second coming except the Father in heaven. If we do not know when Jesus will return, what then should we do? This sermon gives four points to consider from the passage: 1. No one knows when Christ will return, 2. Be ready!, 3. Those who are ready will be blessed, and 4. Those who are not ready will be sorry. Visit us at