
Zealous Like Phinehas

Numbers 25

May 26, 2024 • Shad Baker • Numbers 25

Numbers 25 presents us with a troubling passage: A priest kills two people with a spear and is commended by God! How do we reconcile a good and loving God with this Old Testament picture of God who rewards killing? And what do we learn from Phinehas the priest who carries out this execution?

In this sermon, we'll explore the difficult themes in Numbers 25 around God's judgment, human sinfulness, sexual immorality, idolatry, and the zeal of Phinehas. While the account may seem jarring at first, we'll dive deeper to understand:

*God's holiness and righteousness that requires punishment of sin

*The severity of Israel's rebellion through pagan worship and sexual immorality

*Phinehas' passionate zeal to stand for God's glory in the midst of blasphemy

*How God rewarded and made a covenant of peace with Phinehas

God is not calling us to kill like Phinehas did. However, the New Testament tells us God does welcome and reward a zeal for Christ and for the ways of Christ. We'll discuss how to pursue this righteous zeal. Ultimately, we'll see how Jesus is the perfect picture of godly zeal. Jesus is a better priest than Phinehas, who made a better atonement, and accomplished a better peace! Join us at cefc.church.