In Mark 7:31-37, Jesus reveals his compassion and empathy for a man who was deaf and was unable to communicate with others. Jesus displays both his humanity and divinity by privately healing this man, not treating him as a spectacle for the crowd. The gentleness and power that Jesus shows us in this passage, reminds us that we worship a personal and powerful creator. Our proper response to this miracle is to worship God and show compassion to those struggling around us. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me,” (Matthew 25:40). Join us at
No Offense
March 17, 2024 • Shad Baker • Matthew 17
In this passage, Jesus sent Peter fishing to avoid offending temple tax collectors. Jesus often offended religious people, but at other times he was careful to cause no offense. How do we know when it is okay to offend and when we should sacrifice our rights and privileges to avoid offending someone? Jesus paid a temple tax that he was not required to pay because he did not want to create an unnecessary barrier to the Gospel. We are called to follow Jesus' example of laying down our rights to make it easier for people to accept Jesus. Join us at
Learning Gratitude
March 10, 2024 • Shad Baker • Luke 17
Ten lepers asked for mercy and ten lepers received mercy; however, only one returned to give thanks to Jesus. Why is gratitude so rare? What would it look like to have an attitude of gratitude and a practice of gratitude? Luke 17:11-19 provides a lesson in gratitude. Learn why God requires us to give thanks and learn how gratitude brings us blessings. Join us as