
The Tree Planted By Streams Of Water

Psalm 1

August 11, 2024 • Shad Baker • Psalm 1

In Psalm 1, we encounter two paths: one leading to life and spiritual prosperity, the other to death and emptiness. The psalm contrasts chaff, which is blown away by the wind, with a tree planted by streams of water, flourishing and bearing fruit. This imagery presents us with a choice: will we be like the chaff, lifeless and fleeting, or like the tree, deeply rooted and fruitful?

The progression of sin is depicted as walking, standing, and sitting with the wicked—leading to a fruitless life that ultimately perishes. In contrast, righteousness is a reverse progression: sitting in Christ, standing firm in God’s Word, and walking in the Spirit, resulting in a life that prospers. Join us at cefc.churc.

The blessed person delights in God's law, meditates on it, and avoids the counsel of the wicked. This person finds true rest and fulfillment in Christ, the only one who has perfectly resisted sin. The choice before us is clear: to embrace a life rooted in Christ, like the tree by the streams, or to drift away like the dust in the wind.