
Exodus Part 9: Your Exodus Will Come

August 8, 2021 • Pastor Jordan Golden • Romans 5:1–5, James 2:14–26, Exodus 12

Israel suffered for many years in slavery and bondage. But God did not forget them. Their suffering allowed them to grow into a great nation that God used greatly. Will you allow your suffering to shape you into who God is calling you to be? Your time of deliverance will come, but don't waste what you are going through right now.

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Exodus Part 1: God Turns It Around

June 6, 2021 • Pastor Jordan Golden • Exodus 1, Exodus 2:1–22

The people of Israel are enslaved by the Egyptians. God puts a plan into motion to raise up a leader who He will use to bring them out of captivity. No matter what opposition arises, we see that God continually takes what was meant for evil and turns it around for good.

Exodus Part 5: The Polemic Plagues

July 4, 2021 • Pastor Jordan Golden • Exodus 8, Exodus 9:1–12

Each of the plagues we read about in Exodus was actually a polemic, or direct attack, against the gods of the Egyptians and their pagan practices. In this sermon we see just how intentional God really is.

Exodus Part 6: The Arrogance of Humanity

July 18, 2021 • Pastor Jordan Golden • Exodus 9:13–35, Exodus 10

The plagues of Egypt were a polemic, or direct attack against Pharaoh and the Egyptian gods. As we explore the 7th, 8th, and 9th plagues in this sermon, we understand that ultimately Pharaoh's pride was the main barrier between him and God.