
Songs of Abundant Forgiveness

A Year of Living With Open Hands

Songs of Abundant Forgiveness: A New Song

April 7, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: A New Song Pastor Kent Landhuis  THEME - Do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? Romans 2:4 TEXT - Psalm 40 1. Set your Feet on the Rock! * Psalm 40:1-2 * Psalm 18:1-3 2. Tell the Story to Everyone! * Psalm 40:9-10 * Psalm 107:1-3 3. Rejoice in God’s awesomeness! * Psalm 40:16 * Psalm 99:1-3 APPLICATION 1. Romans 2:4 - Celebrate God’s Kindness. 2. Make the Kindness Pledge. What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love

Remember the Resurrection (Easter)

March 31, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS Remember the Resurrection Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Resurrection reshapes our lives… forget not. TEXT - Psalm 103 1. Remembering resurrection reshapes our souls. * Psalm 103:1-2 * Isaiah 17:10, 48:9-10 * Joshua 4:6-7 2. Remembering resurrection reshapes our values. * Psalm 103:3-10 * Deuteronomy 8:1-5 * 2 Peter 1:5-8 3. Remembering resurrection reshapes our lives. * Psalm 103:11-22 * Mark 16:1-7 * John 12:12-19 NEXT STEPS 1. Does your memory of God’s work in you ignite passion? 2. Has your memory of God’s work in you grown cold? 3. Do you have no memory of God’s work in you? What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love

Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Hosannas and Hallelujahs

March 24, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis • Psalm 118

SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: Hosannas and Hallelujahs Pastor Kent Landhuis    THEME - Our victorious Messiah offers songs of rejoicing when we are rescued.   TEXT - Psalm 118   1. Hosanna - “Save us.”   2. Hallelujah - “Praise God! 3. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.  ·        Psalm 118:26 ·        Zechariah 9:9 ·        John 12:12-19 4. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good - his love endures forever.   ·        Psalm 118:1, 29 ·        Psalm 136    NEXT STEPS:  ·        Praise God for his enduring love. ·        Tell someone about God’s goodness.   What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love

Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Songs of Right Paths

March 17, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: Songs of Right Paths Pastor Kent Landhuis  THEME - God leads us to right paths. TEXT - Psalm 142 and 23 1. Right paths lead to contentment. Psalm 142:3 Psalm 23:1-3 2. Right paths lead to assurance. Psalm 142:4 Psalm 23:3 John 10:1-17 3. Right paths lead to security. Psalm 23:4 Psalm 143:8 4. Right paths lead to safe places. Psalm 23:5-6 Romans 8:31-38  NEXT STEPS:  Follow on the path where the spirit leads. Invite others to join you on right paths. (On ramps) What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love

Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Benefits of Brokenness

March 10, 2024 • Pastor Steve Poole • Psalm 51

SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: Benefits of Brokenness Pastor Steve Poole TEXT – Psalm 51 (ESV)   DEFINITIONS: The Severe Love of God דָּכָה (dā·ḵā(h)): verb ·        be crushed, i.e., be in a crushed state, or possibly actively to press on someone, implying destruction ·        be crushed, be despondent, i.e., have an attitude or emotion of distress ·        contrite, i.e., have an attitude of penitence or humility   IN BROKENNESS… 1. We find forgiveness. (1 Samuel 15:22; Hosea 6:6; Matthew 9:10-13) 2. We find freedom 3. We find renewal. (Psalm 51:8-12) 4. We eat with Jesus. 5. Jesus brings healing. (Romans 12)   NEXT STEPS 1. Come sit with Jesus. 2. Demonstrate abundant humility, obedience and mercy this week. 3. Be faithful to follow the Spirit’s leading in big and little acts of generosity. What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love

Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Songs of Safety

March 3, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

Songs of Abundant Forgiveness: Songs of Safety Pastor Kent Landhuis  THEME - God is safe. Church should be safe too. TEXT - https://www.bible.com/bible/111/psa.32.1-11.niv 1. God is our hiding place.  * Psalm 32:6-7 * The rising waters will not harm us. * Troubles will not find us. * Songs of deliverance surround us. 2. Forgiveness is a blessing. * Psalm 32:1-5 * Zephaniah 3:17 * Isaiah 43:1-3 * John 3:16-17   3. Safety is for everyone. * Psalm 32:8-11 * Teach everyone about the safe place of refuge in God. * Live in ways that enhance safe places for everyone. NEXT STEPS:  1. Enter. Am I open to accept everyone? 2. See. Am I willing to really see everyone?  3. Touch. Am I ready to pour into someone? ABUNDANT LOVE: A YEAR OF LIVING WITH OPEN HANDS Week 9 – Freely, Freely REFLECTION There is an old gospel song that says, “Freely, Freely you have received. Freely, Freely give. Go in my name and because you believe, others will know that I live.” We received grace, mercy, compassion and forgiveness - freely. And we are the kind of people who create safe spaces for others to receive these same blessings.  READINGS Day 1. John 3:16-17. Day 2. Ephesians 2:8-10 Day 3. Romans 8:1-2 Day 4. 1 John 1:9 Day 5. 2 Corinthians 5:21 MEDITATION Think of a person who makes you feel safe - what qualities do they possess? How can you be less judgmental and more welcoming? What can you do to build bridges toward someone who feels unwelcome or unloved? PRAYER God of grace, I thank you for freely accepting me while I was still a sinner. I was far worse than I realized and at the same time more loved than I ever thought possible. I praise you, God, for your generous love toward me. Now I ask your Spirit to guide me so that I can show that same kind of love to others. Help me to hear your voice, in Jesus’ name, Amen. What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love

Songs of Abundance Forgiveness: Lament - Grief Over Sin

February 25, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS: Lament - Grief Over Sin. Pastor Kent Landhuis    THEME - True confession comes with groaning but it yields rejoicing.   TEXT - Psalm 130   1. Name the grief of sin. a. Seven Penitential Psalms (Psalm 130:1-2) i. Psalm 6 ii. Psalm 32 iii. Psalm 38 iv. Psalm 51 v. Psalm 102 vi. Psalm 130 vii. Psalm 143 b.  King David’s sin - 2 Samuel 11   2. Admit the score. · Psalm 130:3 · 2 Samuel 12 · Psalm 51:3-5   3. Receive full restoration.  · Psalm 130:4-7 · Isaiah 35   NEXT STEPS:  Face the true nature of your sin.  Lament the consequences of your sin. Seek, receive, and celebrate full redemption in Jesus. What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love

Songs of Abundance Forgiveness

February 18, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

SONGS OF ABUNDANT FORGIVENESS Pastor Kent Landhuis  THEME - Because God forgives us, we forgive others. TEXT - Psalm 25, Matthew 18:21-33 1. Affirm God’s Merciful Character. * Psalm 25:1-11 * “According to your mercy, remember me for your goodness sake.” Psalm 25:11b 2. Follow God’s Merciful Way. * Psalm 25:12-22 * “Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he teaches sinners in the way.” Psalm 25:8 3. Sing a Song of Forgiveness. * Matthew 18:21-33 * “Should you have not had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?” Matthew 18:33 NEXT STEPS: 1. Ask God to forgive you. 2. Thank God for forgiving you. 3. Identify someone you know who needs forgiveness. ABUNDANT LOVE - A year of living with open hands. Week 7 – The God Who Forgives REFLECTION Mercy and lovingkindness exist at the core of God’s character. These are defining attributes. What kind of God would God be if he did not forgive? How does God look at your sin? Is any sin too great for God to forgive? READINGS Day 1. Psalm 25:1-11 Day 2. Psalm 25:12-22 Day 3. Psalm 103:1-10 Day 4. Psalm 103:11-22 Day 5. Matthew 18:21-35 MEDITATION How much has God forgiven in your life? How do you feel about this? How does God’s forgiveness shape your attitude toward others? PRAYER God of Love and Mercy, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your compassion. Thank you for forgiving me. I love you and praise you for who you are! Show me your way and guide me specifically in how to forgive others. Help me be more forgiving. In your name, Amen. What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love