

A year of Living With Open Hands

Abundance: An Abundance of Seeing

February 11, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis • Genesis 1:27

Abundance: An Abundance of Seeing Pastor Kent Landhuis  THEME - Every person we meet is made in the image of God. TEXT - Genesis 1:27 OUTLINE 1. Mankind was made in the image of God. - Genesis 1:26-31 - Genesis 2:7 - “God-breathed is warmly personal, with the face-to-face intimacy of a kiss and the significance that this was an act of giving as well as making; and self-giving at that.” Derek Kidner 2. Everyone is made in the image of God. - Genesis 1:27 - ‘Since man has sinned, he is certainly not as fully like God as he was before… Though man is still in the image of God, in every aspect of life some parts of that image have been distorted or lost.” Wayne Grudem.   3. You are made in the image of God. - “Human beings need recognition as much as we need food and water. No crueler punishment can be devised than to not see someone, to render them unimportant or invisible.” ~ David Brooks - Genesis 16:13 NEXT STEPS:  - Take a moment with each person you meet this week - to really see them. - With each person you see this week remind yourself, “They are made in the image of God.” --------------------------------------- ABUNDANT LOVE: A YEAR OF LIVING WITH OPEN HANDS Week 6 - God’s Image REFLECTION We are made in the image of a living God. Not only us, but every person we encounter every day is made in God’s image. How does this truth change how we interact about others? With those we love? Those that annoy us? Those that cut us off in traffic or berate us at our job or school? How does this change how you see yourself? READINGS Day 1. Genesis 1:26-31 Day 2. Genesis 2:7 Day 3. Genesis 16:13 Day 4. Colossians 3:10 Day 5. Psalm 8:4-6 MEDITATION Made in the image of God, loved by God, are you able to love yourself as much as God loves you?  PRAYER Help me, Father, to love in the way that You love. Help me to see my neighbor as an image-bearer of the one True and Holy God. Show me how to love them and myself as You have loved! WHAT IS ABUNDANT LOVE https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love

Abundance: God's Abundance

February 4, 2024 • Pastor Steve Poole • Genesis 3:10–24

ABUNDANCE: God's Abundance Pastor Steve Poole TEXT: Genesis 3:10-24   1. God’s abundance on display in Genesis 1-3 a. Creation b. Relationship c. Provision d. Deliverance   2. THE BAD... Sin is real and has real consequences a. Sin is rejecting, ignoring, or disobeying God. b. Sin alienates us from God. c. Sin turns blessings into curses. d. Sin fractures human relationships. e. Sin leads to death.   3. THE GOOD... God sends a redeemer (Jesus) a. Romans 3:23-26 b. Romans 6:22-23 c. Ephesians 2:4-6 NEXT STEPS 1. Abide in God’s abundance 2. Forgive someone. 3. Look for a way you can bless someone with something they don’t deserve. 4. Check out the New City Catechism. https://youtube.com/playlist?feature=shared&list=plpwofk1mbpm4clbajbmfp3lj0z45yntch ---------------------- ABUNDANT LOVE: A YEAR OF LIVING WITH OPEN HANDS WEEK 5: God is Protector. REFLECTION God is our protector. There are many instances in the Bible about God as our Hiding Place, our Shelter, our Fortress—one under whose wings we can take refuge. Taking refuge in God is not an act of weakness, but a countercultural act of courage and faith in the Almighty strength of God. As you read through this week’s readings, identify the ways God describes his protection of His children. READINGS Day 1. Psalm 91:1-2 Day 2. Psalm 91:3-4 Day 3. Psalm 91:5-8 Day 4. Psalm 91:9-10 Day 5. Psalm 91:13-16 MEDITATION Do I trust God as my protector? Am I quick to run to Him? Or quick to hide? PRAYER Heavenly Father, thank you for your promise of protection to those who love and keep your commandments. Help me to find my rest under your wings this week. What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love

Abundance: Is Forgiveness Scarce or Abundant?

January 28, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis • Genesis 3:1–13

Abundance: Is Forgiveness Scarce or Abundant?  Pastor Kent Landhuis  THEME - We will not thrive with a scarcity mindset.  TEXT - Genesis 3:1-13 1. Doubt - Did God really say? * Genesis 3:1 * Psalm 27:1 2. Disguise - They realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings. * Genesis 3:2-8 * Hebrews 4:13 3. Denial - She gave me the fruit. * Genesis 3:9-13 * Romans 8:1 NEXT STEPS:  1. Celebrate that God has forgiven you. 2. Extend forgiveness to someone who needs it - and don’t hold back. ---------------------------------------------------- ABUNDANT LOVE: A Year of Living with Open Hands Week 4: God is Love.   REFLECTION God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. God calls us to live in His lavish love and then to share that lavish love with others. This kind of love is lived out with generosity that cannot be overlooked. When we know how much God loved us, we cannot help but love others.   READINGS Day 1. Exodus 34:5-7 Day 2. 1 Corinthians 13. Day 3. John 13:31-35 Day 4. 1 John 4:7-21 Day 5. 2 Corinthians 8:1-15   MEDITATION Do my actions match what I say about love?   PRAYER Loving Father, thank you for being slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Your patience with me is amazing. Show me how to show love to those around me.

Abundance: Together is Better

January 21, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis • Genesis 2:4–20

Abundance: Together is Better Pastor Kent Landhuis  THEME - We enjoy God’s abundant provision in community.  TEXT - Genesis 2:4-20 OUTLINE 1. God Makes Everything Good. * Genesis 1:28 * Genesis 1:31 * Genesis 2:4 2. It is Not Good to be Alone. * Genesis 2:7-8 * Genesis 2:15-18 * Genesis 2:21-25 3. God Invites us Together.  * Genesis 1:26-27 * Genesis 3:8 * Psalm 116 NEXT STEPS:  * Take a walk with God. * Take a walk with another person. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ABUNDANT LOVE: A Year of Living with Open Hands WEEK 3: God created us to bear His image. REFLECTION We are God’s children, made in his image and called to increasingly bear his likeness. We are called to reflect his light into a world of darkness and when we do this we bring God glory. When we reflect God’s nature, we become more fully alive to the purposes that God has for us.   READINGS Day 1. Genesis 1:26-27 Day 2. Genesis 5:1-2 Day 3. Matthew 5:13-16 Day 4. Romans 8:28-30 Day 5. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18   MEDITATION What does it mean to bear God’s image? How can we better reflect God’s image in us?   PRAYER Father, you made me in your image and call me to grow into it. Please let me reflect more of your glory to those around me.

2024 Installation of Elders and Deacons

January 21, 2024 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

Installing our new 2024 board of Elders and Deacons.

Abundance: God's Abundance in Creation

January 14, 2024 • Pastor Steve Poole • Genesis 1, Genesis 2:1–3

ABUNDANCE: God’s Abundance in Creation Pastor Steve Poole TEXT: Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-3 “And God saw that it was good.” GENESIS 1 1. God finds pleasure in His created world. 2. God is glorified when we enjoy His creation. (Genesis 1:27-28) 3. God created you on purpose for a purpose. (Psalms 8:1,3; 19:1-2, Romans 1:19-20) 4. Creation testifies to the greatness of God. NEXT STEPS 1. Spend some time this week experiencing God’s love by admiring the abundant beauty of His creation. 2. Find deeper confidence, purpose and meaning in the wonderful truth of Genesis 1:27-28 - “in the image of God”. 3. Reflect on the question, “How can I help others experience the abundance of God this week?” ------------------------------------------------------ ABUNDANT LOVE: A Year of Living with Open Hands WEEK 2: God owns everything. REFLECTION As creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, God holds the rights to all of it. And if God owns the rights to everything - that includes us. Even when we had become slaves to sin, God redeemed us, paying with his Son’s life. We are doubly owned - created and recreated - and this is the foundation of abundant faith. READINGS Day 1: Genesis 1 Day 2: Genesis 2 Day 3: Psalm 24 Day 4: Romans 12:1-2 Day 5: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 MEDITATION How does God’s ownership of you and all your stuff impact your life? PRAYER Lord God, I recognize you as creator and Ruler of the heavens and the earth and everything in them. Help me to view everything I have as yours and to trust You to take care of me.

Abundance: Union With Christ

January 7, 2024 • Gary Sager

Abundance: Union With Christ Gary Sager   1. What is union with Christ? (Galatians 3:26-29) ·        Vine and branches. John 15, ·        Head with its body, Ephesians 1 ·        Temple and the cornerstone. 1 Peter 2 ·        Husband and a wife. Ephesians 5   2. Why is it important? ·        We receive a new record. ·        We get a new life. (Galatians 2:20) ·        There’s a new freedom. ·        We get a new family. ·        A new future.   3. How do we live out this union? “When we obey God, out of a grateful joy, that comes from a deep awareness of our status as children of God . . . then the idols which control our lives can be disempowered and we’re free to live for Christ.” ~ Tim Keller   “We are to count on or believe that we actually did die to the guilt and consequent dominion of sin…We are to believe that we truly have been set free. Not only are we to believe that we have died to sin; we also are to believe that we are alive unto God, united to the risen Christ and partakers of His divine nature. It is the belief in this truth that will give us the courage to not let sin reign in our mortal bodies.” ~ Jerry Bridges   -------------------------------------------------- ABUNDANT LOVE: A YEAR OF OPEN HANDS WEEK 1: God is Absolutely Good Reflection: God made a complex and beautiful world filled with diversity and then gave it to us along with the ability to enjoy it. This gift shows unimaginable love and generosity. And after we mishandled that gift, God gave his Son - the greatest gift ever. We have every spiritual blessing in Jesus which demonstrates God’s love, generosity, justice, mercy, and enduring trustworthiness to provide everything we need for a life of abundant faith.   READINGS Day 1: Genesis 1 Day 2: Genesis 2 Day 3: John 3:16-17 Day 4: Ephesians 1:3-14 Day 5: 2 Peter 1:2-4   MEDITATION: How do you personally know God is good?   PRAYER: Creator God, thank you for your goodness and generosity. Thank You for sending your Son, so I can know you and know how much you love me. What is a Abundant Love? https://cedarhillscr.org/abundant-love