
Meeting God: The Naturalist

August 6, 2023 • Pastor Steve Poole • Romans 1:18–23

MEETING GOD: The Naturalist

Pastor Steve Poole

THEME – Creation declares the glory of God!

TEXT – Romans 1:18-23

1. Prayer is Meeting With God

Romans 1:19-23

2. God Reveals Himself to Us Through Creation

Psalm 19:1-4

3. Praying in Nature Helps Us to be in Awe of Go

 “Once, I went into the wild a dead man. Death had

broken my heart and I grieved… God’s words in God’s

pages made more sense to me in God’s wild. After a few

days I was a new man.” ~Murray Pura

NEXT STEP – Make time to go outdoors and meet God in prayer

this week.

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August 27, 2023 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

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Meeting God: The Contemplative

August 20, 2023 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

Meeting God: The Contemplative Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Contemplatives meet God with ideas and images, connecting with God in their minds.  TEXT - https://www.bible.com/bible/111/2ti.1.1-7.niv , https://www.bible.com/bible/111/2ti.3.10-17.niv OUTLINE 1. Contemplatives meet God through curiosity. * All truth is God’s truth. * Love God with all your mind. 2. Contemplatives love words and images. * To know God is to love God. * Seek truth. 3. Contemplatives can love ideas too much. * Don’t love ideas more than people. * Don’t love ideas more than action. 4. Contemplatives need mental stimulation. * Study the word. * Grow in grace and knowledge. NEXT STEPS 1. Take the sacred pathways assessment: http://www.soulshepherding.org/sacred-pathways-survey 2. Meet God.