
Prophecy: Messages from God

November 7, 2021 • Pastor Steve Poole • Daniel 2:31–45

JESUS ON EVERY PAGE: Prophecy – Steve Poole

THEME - Biblical prophecy is a message from God.

TEXT – Daniel 2:31-45

Recap: The Bible tells one story through five key literary types.
· Narrative - History.
· Poetry - Passion.
· Prophecy – Warning and Hope
· Gospel -?
· Epistles -?

1. Biblical Prophecy is about warning and hope.
· Consequences for unfaithfulness (Hosea 4:12-13)
· Unjust with the poor/needy. (Hosea 12:7-8)

2. HOPE = God is faithful to demonstrate mercy and forgiveness even when His people are unfaithful
· God will protect a remnant and bring them through exile. (Jeremiah 23:3-6)
· The promise of a coming Messiah. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
· Jesus is our ultimate hope!

3. The Apocalypse
· Means "unveiling" - Type of biblical literature that emphasizes the lifting of the veil between heaven and earth and the revelation of God and his plan for the world.
· Nebuchadnezzer’s Dream (Daniel 2:31-45)
· The Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven – Established FOREVER

1. Watch prophets and apocalyptic literature videos at bibleproject.com
2. Reflect on the 93 verses Jesus describes the Kingdom of God
3. Read Daniel 2 and reflect on this vision of nations rising and falling, but God’s kingdom remaining forever.

Epistles: Letters About Jesus

November 21, 2021 • Pastor Kent Landhuis • Romans 15:1–7

Epistles: Letters about Jesus – Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - The churches received love letters to help them grow as followers of Jesus. TEXT - Romans 15:1-7 OUTLINE Recap: The Bible tells one story through five key literary types. 1. Narrative - History. 2. Poetry - Passion. 3. Prophecy - Warning and Encouragement. 4. Gospel - Jesus. 5. Epistles - Letters. 1. Who received letters? The people we love. 2. Why write letters? To show our love. 3. What difference can a letter make? Living in love transforms us. NEXT STEPS 1. Dig deeper at http://bibleproject.com. 2. Write a letter to someone you love.

Gospel: The Jesus Story

November 14, 2021 • Pastor Kent Landhuis • Mark 1:1–11

Bible Recap: Gospel - the Jesus Story. – Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - The Gospels announce the good news that Jesus is the Savior. TEXT - Mark 1:1-11 OUTLINE * Recap: The Bible tells one story through five key literary types. * Narrative - History. * Poetry - Passion. * Prophecy - Warning and Encouragement. * Gospel - Jesus. Epistles - ? 1. Eyewitness testimony about the one. * Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - John 1 & Luke 4. * John the Baptist - John 1:29-30. * Peter - Matthew 16:13-17 * The Centurion - Matthew 27:50-54 2. Miraculous signs of the one. * Signs and belief - John 20:29-31 * Healing the man born blind - John 9 * Blindness and the one - Isaiah 35 & 42. 3. True faith and the one. * Is Jesus the one? Matthew 11:3-5 * Who do you say Jesus is? NEXT STEPS 1. Answer the question: Is Jesus the one? 2. Dig deeper at http://bibleproject.com. 3. Tell the gospel story: Tell the story of Jesus.

Poetry: The Passion of Love

October 31, 2021 • Pastor Kent Landhuis • Psalm 1

Jesus on Every Page Poetry - The passion of love. – Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Biblical poetry describes the passion of loving God. TEXT - Psalm 1 OUTLINE Recap: The Bible tells one story through five key literary types. Narrative - History. Poetry - Passion. Prophecy -? Gospel -? Epistles -? 1. Poems deliver passion. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers. Psalm 1:3 2. Poems slow us down. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Deuteronomy 6:6 3. Poems point toward Jesus. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Him with every spiritual blessing. Ephesians 1:3 NEXT STEPS Dig deeper at http://bibleproject.com Read a poem. (and enjoy it!).