
Love Your Neighbor

Life Together

October 17, 2021 • Pastor Steve Poole • Luke 10:25–37, Genesis 2:18

LIFE TOGETHER: Love Your Neighbor – Steve Poole

THEME – It is Not Good for Man to Be Alone (Genesis 2:18)

TEXT – Luke 10:25-37
1. Who is my neighbor?
• Notice the motives.
• Jesus extends the idea of ‘neighbor’ to uncomfortable places.
• “Go and do likewise…” Luke 10:37

2. Why do we love our neighbor? How about this scenario:
• What if Jesus is the Good Samaritan and we are the inn keeper?
• What if the injured person is an unbeliever?

3. Two major hurdles to the hospitality involved in loving our neighbor:
• We feel uncomfortable inviting people into our homes/lives because_________.
• We don’t feel confident in sharing our faith because___________

4. Tools to make hospitality easier (from The Simplest Way to Change the World by Dustin Willis and Brandon Clements)
• The ‘ALWAYS rule’
• Make a plan – weekly, monthly, yearly
• Use your passions

1. Practice GOSPEL this week so you are confident in communicating the Gospel story.
2. Practice the “ALWAYS Rule” this week
3. Make a plan – put hospitality on your calendar.

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