
Songs of Joy

June 6, 2021 • Pastor Kent Landhuis

SONGS OF JOY - Psalm 126 - Pastor Kent Landhuis

THEME: What makes Christians joyful?

1. Look Back and Remember.
• Egypt - Exodus 15
• King David - 2 Samuel 22
• Exile - Nehemiah 8

2. Look Forward and Anticipate.
• Joy when it rains after a drought. Isaiah 55
• Joy from the harvest at the end of the season. Matthew 13
• Joy when the bridegroom comes for the bride. Revelation 19.

3. Be glad.
• We are Glad. Psalm 126:3
• Why are you so joyful?

• Read Psalm 126 every day this week with some fellow pilgrims.
• Rejoice.
• Throw a party!