
Are You An Almost Christian or An Altogether Christian?

May 26, 2024 • Pastor David Halan • Acts 26:24–32

We march into eternity under one of three banners. One banner people march under is the "No desire to be a Christian". The second is "Almost a Christian". Last, there is the banner of "Altogether Christian". Which banner are you marching towards eternity under? Can you be an almost Christian and still be saved? The answer is an emphatic, "No!" The gospel of Christ leads us all to make a decision. We are either followers of Christ (Christians) or we are not. How terrible it would be to spend eternity thinking about how you almost made the decision to follow Christ. Paul stands before Festus and Agrippa and forces them to make a decision. Festus has "no desire". Agrippa was "almost persuaded". There is only one way to heaven and Paul shows us how we must be an "altogether" Christian. Please listen as Pastor David explains and challenges us to make this decision in our lives and also encourages us to lead others to make that same decision.

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