
August 2019


August 29, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Joel 3 verse 1 - Behold - means to get someones attention Signs of the Return of the Lord 1. Persecution - Matthew 5:10 -this is for living for the Lord 2. Materialism - 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (love of money) -it is a desire for more and more and more -It is a preoccupation for things Matthew 6:33 and Genesis 12:1-3 3. Apathy - Matthew 24:37-39 -you become familiar with spiritual things

The Glory Of God

August 25, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

1 Peter The Glory Of God The word glory is found 9 times in the book of First Peter Peter saw the glory of God during the transfiguration of Jesus in Mark 9 Moses prayed in Exodus 33 - "Please show me Your glory." The glory of god produces more - Haggai 2:6-9 & Ps 115:14-15 Two thing to note: God is the God of more The Lord has abundance for us and blessings for us James 1:5...John 10:10...Eph 3:20...Psalm 115:14-15 The Lord produces more of Himself and through the believer. Red Sea rules We must pray - Exodus 14:1 Move forward - Exodus 14:15 We move forward by faith Faith knows - the Lord is going to do it Faith stands on a promise - v15 The God who led you in will also lead you out. Never place God in a box - Exodus 14:21-22 Our God can do anything - He is unpredictable We may not know how the Lord is going to something, but He will do something. Do not forget to praise the Lord - Exodus 15:1-2 We praise the Lord because we are grateful

Now, Turn To The Lord

August 22, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Joel 2 v12 - Now, Turn to the Lord v14 - the Lord will bless any person or nation for turning to Him The Lord will answer our prayers - v19 The Lord will take care of our enemies - verse 20 The Lord will do marvelous things - vs 21, 30-32 Satisfaction - vs19,26 When you are away from the Lord, nothing satisfies

Glory Part 2

August 11, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

First Peter Glory 9 Times in 1 Peter the word glory is used Peter saw the glory of God when Jesus was transfigured in Mark 9 Moses refers to the glory of God in Exodus 33:18 What is the glory of God? It is the weight of God's presence It is something you can sense, feel, experience and see The glory of God is all about Jesus - Acts 2:17-21 We are not worshipping or following manifestations or the glory of God. We are following Jesus - Matthew 4:19 For praise and worship to bring in the glory of God: v1 - You need a house of worship to assemble together A building is empty without the presence of the being being there God is the same whether you praise Him or not - Heb 13:8 How we praise the Lord depends on how well we know the one we praise - John 15 v5 - You need the presence of the Lord -the ark represents the presence of the Lord v6 - You need sacrifices

Turn To Me

August 8, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Joel 2:12 v12 - Turn To Me - this is repentance It is turning away from sins and to Jesus v14 - Turn to the Lord and receive blessings... - Joel 2:28-32 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is Many Outpourings. The outpouring is not a one time event Acts 2:1-21 - Jerusalem Acts 10:44-48 - The Gentiles Acts 19:1-6 - Ephesus God's timing is perfect when people receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit It is the Lord's will for every believer to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit John 1:25-34 - Jesus is the One who baptizes people in the Holy Spirit The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is a full blast for the last days v29 - in those days - this is the last days when Jesus is going to return 3. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is for Everyone and Biblical 4. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Will Happen - v28 The supernatural is throughout the BIble Speaking in tongues - Acts 2:1-7 Tongues is a supernatural language from Jesus You receive tongues after you are saved...Speaking in tongues does not save you Eph 2:8-9/Romans 10:9-10/Acts 2:21