
January 2019


January 31, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Haggai Chapter One v5 - Consider Your Ways - means to set your heart on your ways Consider what they are doing and what their priorities are Haggai the prophet was sent to Israel because they had forsaken their spiritual priorities. They needed to put the Lord first. Matthew 6:33 - first means priority. verse 6 Putting the Lord first creates blessing Doing your own thing will not bring to you great progress You have sown much and bring in little - their harvest was not plentiful You eat and have clothes, but it is not enough Their needs were not met because they did not give - Philippians 4:19 You drink and are not filled - represents not being satisfied 2 Lessons To Learn: 1. Realize That Jesus Is God Of Everything God created and gave us everything Give back to God everything 2. Put Jesus First He blesses supernaturally - Malachi 3:6-12

1 Peter

January 27, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

1 Peter 1:3-5 Verse 3 - Blessed - means to celebrate with praise. To speak well of We are to celebrate and speak well of God the Father. 1. Speaking Well Of God The Father Can Be Difficult: Because of the picture we have painted of God the Father Comparing God the Father with our earthly father Comparing God the Father with some of our male authority figures Bad events that take place in our lives


January 24, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Haggai Chapter One verse 2 - "This people says" The words My People are not used The Lord did not identify with the Israel that disobeyed him "The Time Has Not Come" - the people said this, but the Lord said the time has come. It's Time. Luke 19:41-44 - we can miss God's time Haggai - means festive or festival. The Lord wanted Israel to celebrate verses 3 - 4 - the Word of the lord continues through Haggai

1 Peter

January 20, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

1 Peter 1:3-5 Verse 3 - Blessed - means to celebrate with praise. To speak well of We are to celebrate and speak well of God the Father. 1. Speaking Well Of God The Father Can Be Difficult: Because of the picture we have painted of God the Father (a.) comparing God the Father with our earthly father (b.) comparing God the Father with some of our male authority figures (c.) bad events that take place in our lives Bad events will take place in all of our lives To overcome these points: be healed get help dig into the Word of God Verse 3 We celebrate God the Father for redemption verse 4 . We can celebrate God the Father for our inheritance verse 5 We can celebrate God the Father for his return


January 17, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Haggai Chapter One The Word Of The Lord This is a Word directly from God The Lord used Haggai to give it OT - prophets spoke and instructed people NT - people can only confirm what God has spoken to someone Haggai - means festive or festival. He was born in Babylon. You can live in a wicked area and be a light Was 70 years old when giving this Word from the Lord REMEMBER: Your level of spiritual growth determines your attraction to sin and the world. v2 - The Word Of The Lord Begins When the Lord speaks listen. Make sure it is from the Lord. It follows God's Word v2 - "This people says" The Lord does not use the words "my people" v3 - The Word Of The Lord continues through Haggai

1 Peter

January 13, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

1 Peter Chapter One Verses 1-2 - Peter gives Two Names for These Christians 1. Pilgrims, Foreigners, Aliens and Strangers 2. Elect - Chosen Chosen - means to pick out, select and to choose It refers to redemption and salvation - 2 Peter 3:9 Redemption is all about the Lord. Jesus chose us and we did not choose HIm. The Lord did 2 things to make sure everyone could be saved: 1. The Incarnation - God coming to earth in the form of man Jesus Christ to die, be buried and rise again from the dead that all of humanity could be saved. 2. Jesus created everyone with a free will so they could be saved 3 Levels of Sanctification Level 1 PAST - immediately at salvation you are set apart - sanctified - our position in Jesus Christ Level 2 - PRESENT - believers are continually being set apart and sanctified -this is a daily process Level 3 - FUTURE - believers will be totally sanctified when they get to heaven

The Minor Prophets 'Haggai'

January 10, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Haggai Chapter One Verse 1 - 2nd year of King Darius - King of Persia (modern day Iran) Persia defeated Babylon who destroyed Israel's temple - a symbol of God's presence In v1 - King Cyrus has died after allowing Israel to rerun to rebuild their temple - King Darius takes over from King Cyrus - this is 20 years later Israel received favor. Open Doors Two Things About Open Doors: 1. Not all open doors are from the Lord We are not led by open doors but by the Spirit of the Lord - Romans 8:14 2. Prayer opens doors - Colossians 4:2

1 Peter

January 6, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

1 Peter verse 1 Peter is the author of 1 Peter Peter - one of the 12 disciples crucified upside down Peter's name means stone - petros - a piece or fragment of rock Jesus is our ROCK - petra - means a massive rock or a huge boulder Matthew 16:13-18 Peter knew who he was in Christ Peter's identity was not in a position or title - he was not insecure There is no title before Peter's name - he was just a Christ follower Peter had a gift and an assignment - Apostle of Jesus Christ This was a part of his gift mix

More Than A Conqueror

January 3, 2019 • Pastor Tony Salerno