
October 2018


October 28, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Acts 16:16-34 Paul and Silas in Jail Praise & Worship The Lord is worthy of our praise in the best of times and in the worst of times - v25 Best of times (vs11-15) Paul started a church in the city of Philippi - people were saved & times were good Worst of times (vs19-24) v19 - Paul and Silas were drug through the streets forcibly v22 - they were beaten with thick and stiff pieces of wood Why praise the Lord during the worst of times? People are listening - v25 It means to listen http://intently...to have someone attention Stay in praise so you will always be ready and able to praise Praise is based on faith thanks the Lord for what He will do before He does it - v25 The Lord can do some suddenlies. We all need a suddenly at times...

The Gospel Of Mark

October 25, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Mark 8 vs34-38 - Take up your cross and follow Jesus Deny yourself means to lose sight of yourself and your own interests Take up the cross means die to yourself every day and surrender to the will of the Lord Character is a key component in the christian life Character is more important than charisma Definition of character - Character is doing what is right as defined by god with the risk of personal loss Doing what is right as defined by God We gain a lot from reading the Word, but we also lose some things The christian life is not always a mountain top experience - vs2,9 Mountain top experiences are always awesome to experience Jesus is always with us on the mountain and in the valley Christianity is not an inward faith - vs5-6 Christianity is a GO faith Man worship is ending and jesus worship is in - vs4-8, 12-13


October 21, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Acts 1:14 Prayer Acts refers to the Acts of the Holy Spirit Acts happened because of prayer. Prayer is addressing someone - Acts 1:14 This speaks who to pray http://to.the Father and Jesus Prayer stops the Lord in His Tracks - Acts 4:23-31 v31 - When they prayed. When we pray the Lord moves Prayer must be constant - Acts 12:5, 12-17


October 14, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

ACTS 1:14 Prayer The early and first church started in prayer - Acts 1:14 Pentecost - means 50 - Acts 2:1 40 days of ministry by Jesus and 10 days of prayer Jesus and prayer are the foundation of the church Why pray? 1. Prayer reveals our dependence on the Lord 2. Prayer moves the hand of the Lord When we do pray, our prayers must be vocal and continual. Vocal Acts 2:6,11,13 - the 120 lifted their voices up to the Lord They cried out to the Lord in a corporate prayer meeting Continual. The word continual speaks of several things. it is Biblical prayer - Matt 7:7-http://8...col 4:2...Acts 2:42 2. It is strong prayer. Bold and faith filled prayers 3. Stick to It prayer. Prayer that never stops. Is always constant and daily


October 7, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Acts 2:1-21 The Day of Pentecost and The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit vs17-18 - I will pour out My spirit He is the God of the "I wills." The Lord is going to pour out His Spirit - nothing can stop it This outpouring will happen in the last days *Last Days - Acts 1:9-12 - Jesus is coming back soon... The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is a gusher is not a drip or drizzle, but abundance The outpouring is long lasting God encounter will be long lasting or it is not a God encounter The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is for everyone - vs17,21 On all http://flesh...men women...children The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is for Today and it is Happening Now We receive power - Acts 1:8 Get right with God - Psalm 51 Get Empty of Yourself Have Purpose For The Impartation Of God's Power

The Gospel of Mark

October 4, 2018 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Mark 8:31-33 How To Get And Maintain Victory Over The Enemy How Do We Get And Maintain Victory Over The Enemy? Know the enemy is defeated and underneath our feet Get your mouth aligned with the word of god - Prov 18:21 Do not be involved in the occult - Dt 18:9-14 Do not lose your fight - 2 Timothy 4:7 Submit to God - James 4:7 Know the difference between your who and your do - Eph 1:3-4,7