
Joel 2 "Return to the Lord"

June 27, 2019 • Pastor Bill Strayer

Joel Chapter Two
Just when things are the worst, the Lord intervenes
v12 - Now - today is the day of salvation and repentance
Return to me - means to turn around and turn back
Repentance means to change your mind
Verse 14 - If we repent, the Lord will bless
The Lord only desires to spare His children and pardon them.
Lesson #1 - Provision
The Lord will bring provision to you - v19 abundant provision - more than enough
This is the beginning of a reversal - from captivity to freedom/starvation to a buffet
Blessing # 2 Satisfaction - verses 19,26
Satisfaction - means to be content...fulfilled...certain and convinced
Much disappointment is enemy inspired
Rearrange your mental furniture
Blessing #3 - v19 - Be a good witness of the Lord

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