
Come Follow Me... Into Joy, Awe & Wonder

July 7, 2019 • Janet Young

Join us as Janet opens an honest conversation about what it looks like to be a people who carry joy, awe and wonder amidst the complexities of life.

Come Follow Me... Into The Water

August 25, 2019 • Neil Young w/guests

Jesus invites us to follow Him into the water to be baptised, but why? Is baptism a box-ticking exercise or is there more to it than this? Join us as Neil explores Jesus' invitation into baptism and as we hear from two special guests about their journey into baptism.

Come Follow Me... Into Rest & Adventure

August 18, 2019 • Tre Sheppard & Janet Young

Tre and Janet team up to explore the invitation of Jesus into Rest and then from that place, into the Adventure of the every day in His presence.

Come Follow Me... Into Truth & Kindness

August 11, 2019 • Neil Young

This week Neil explores Truth with Kindness through the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, looking at how we can move with passion and compassion in our lives.