
Mark 14:1-26, Giving Your Best in a Me-First World

August 4, 2024 • Troy Neeley • Mark 14:1–26

How do you spend your free time and what do you prioritize in your life? Is there room for what God has to

say? Everywhere we turn these days, God’s perfect plan for our life is constantly challenged by world culture and our natural tendencies. Let us come and learn together, how to give our best in a Me-first world.

Attributions: Inspiring Folk by Alex Grohl URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-folk-

AB3KUHM License Code: RU38HZKEV9 Acoustic Romantic Wedding Guitar Folk by TimCat

URL:https://elements.envato.com/acoustic-romantic-wedding-guitar-folk-T9R32SQ License


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