
How You Live Matters

August 21, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 2 Timothy 2:1–13

Living as a follower of Christ is hard, it seems everything including our own selfish wants try to derail us. We are constantly looked at by both believer and non-believer alike, so How You Live Matters. With all these pressures, how do we stay focused? How are we to think? And how do we continue to be genuine?

If you have these questions, then you are in luck as this message from Pastor Troy titled "How You Live Matters", will be addressing these and many more questions!

More from 2 Timothy

“You’re Never Alone”

October 23, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 2 Timothy 4:9–22

As we closeout the book of 2 Timothy, Paul leaves us with some parting wisdom inspired by God. Paul reminds us that people are prone to failing, and our eyes should be on God not men, as men will let you down, but God will never leave you. Paul instructs us not to be recluse, to be discerning of our friends and their counsel. He reminds us, to have good friends we must first be a good friend.

Finish Strong

October 16, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 2 Timothy 4:5–8

It is very typical for us to start a project, adventure or work with great enthusiasm, but somewhere along the line the investment of time or resources begin to out way the end results, we pictured in our minds at the beginning of the work. Is it because we didn't count the costs? Is it because we lose sight of the vision? The answer is it could be all of those things and more. In our spiritual life, how do we keep this from happening? How can we learn to "Finish Strong"? In this message from Pastor Troy, you'll learn how to keep living with a purpose, how to keep in mind the process sowing, and mostly how to keep your eyes on the prize! So let's Finish Strong together!

An Urgent Charge

October 9, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 2 Timothy 4:1–4

Why do we or should we feel an "urgency" about our faith and sharing that faith with the lost? What exactly is the urgency, and what challenges stand in the way? In this message from Pastor Troy, we will dive into 2 Timoth 4:1-4 and explore why "An Urgent Charge", what is the urgent charge, and what is the major challenge to this charge?