May 12, 2019 • Pastor Ray Loo
"PROFILE OF A CARING CHRISTIAN"- Romans 1:9-15Vss. 9-10 The caring Christian prays for othersVss. 11-12 The caring Christian invests in othersVss. 13-15 The caring Christian connects to others
"THE HEART OF THE MINISTRY"- Romans 1:1-8 Vs. 1 The heart of the minister Vss. 2-4 The heart of the message Vss. 5-8 The heart of the ministry
Vss. 1-3 The foolishness of judgement Vss. 5-11 Two paths, same destination
VSS. 12-16 Guilty by any standard Vss. 17-24 Privileged positions won't help Vss. 25-29 The internal is more important than the external