
July 2021

Bridging the Gap

Sharing the Truth - Part 1

July 31, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 2 Thessalonians 3:1–5

Today we begin a study in Second Thessalonians chapter three. In this chapter, Paul wraps up his thoughts on the truth of God’s word, how the world is in desperate need of knowing that truth and how we should be sharing that truth as we await the return of the Lord.

The Origin, Development & Endurance of Our Hope - Part 2

July 30, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Romans 5:1–5

One of the most wonderful aspects of having a relationship with Jesus Christ is the enduring and reliable hope we have in our salvation. Our destiny in heaven is a great thing to lean on when times get tough. That’s what Lloyd is talking about today as we bring you part two of the first message in our new series, Essential Christianity.

The Origin, Development & Endurance of Our Hope - Part 1

July 29, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Romans 5:1–5

On today’s program, we begin a brand new series from Pastor Lloyd, titled “Essential Christianity”. The scripture we are going to study in this series is Romans, chapters five through eight. I think you’ll agree that Paul’s words to the Roman church are amazing, challenging, and inspiring. Let’s begin in chapter five, verse one, with a message Pastor Lloyd has titled "The Origin, Development & Endurance of Our Hope”.

True Hospitality - Part 2

July 28, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 3 John

Today on Bridging the Gap, we’ll look at a letter from John to one of his closest friends, as Pastor Lloyd Pulley wraps up his look at Third John. This little letter was written by John to his friend Gaius - whom he obviously held in great affection.

True Hospitality - Part 1

July 27, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 3 John

Today we begin a two day study of John’s third epistle. Third John is just fourteen verses in length, but as is the case with Second John, it carries a very important message for Christians. Pastor Lloyd has titled this message, “True Hospitality”.

Walking in Truth and Love - Part 2

July 26, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 2 John

On today’s program, we’ll return to Lloyd’s message based on Second John. This little letter contains some big truths about how we can and must walk in the way on the Lord, and not only acknowledge the truth of His commandments, but live them as well.

Stand Your Ground

July 25, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 2 Thessalonians 2:13–17

In this section of Scripture, Paul writes about what is known as The Great Apostasy, a day in which there will be a massive falling away from the faith. He exhorts us to stand fast in the faith because there will be many false teachers paving the way for the emergence of the Antichrist into the world. What can we do to ensure we don’t get caught up in the deception?

Stand Your Ground

July 24, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 2 Thessalonians 2:13–17

In this section of Scripture, Paul writes about what is known as The Great Apostasy, a day in which there will be a massive falling away from the faith. He exhorts us to stand fast in the faith because there will be many false teachers paving the way for the emergence of the Antichrist into the world. What can we do to ensure we don’t get caught up in the deception?

Walking in Truth and Love - Part 1

July 23, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 2 John

Today, Pastor Lloyd brings us part one of a message based on John’s second epistle. At thirteen verses, it’s the shortest book in the Bible, yet it’s rich with insights for our relationship with God.

Assurance of Relationship - Part 2

July 22, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 1 John 5:14–21

Today on Bridging the Gap, as we complete our look at First John, Pastor Lloyd Pulley will show us some things we as Christians can be very confident about. I think you’ll agree that the confidence we have in our salvation is something we hang our Christian hats on. John ends his letter in a wonderful way, so join us in First John chapter five.

Assurance of Relationship - Part 1

July 21, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 1 John 5:14–21

Today Lloyd continues his verse by verse study through First John. We’re going to talk about the freedom of speech you and I enjoy as Christians. The freedom to go to God with all of our problems and needs.

Assurance of Faith - Part 2

July 20, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 1 John 5:1–13

First John is one of the best loves books in the Bible, and for a very good reason. It’s all about love. Perfect love - as expressed by the only perfect man who ever walked the earth - Jesus Christ. The world, of course, has it’s own definition of love. In fact, it has a whole bunch of definitions. But the one we are interested in is God’s.

Assurance of Faith - Part 1

July 19, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 1 John 5:1–13

One of the biggest thrills for s sports fan is watching their team overcome huge obstacles to become champions. As Christians, we seek to overcome the world. It’s a much bigger foe than any team the Cubs faced! The only means to success is through Jesus Christ.

The Antichrist - Part 2

July 18, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12

Satan has been plotting the destruction of God’s kingdom and those who dwell in it since the garden of eden. Pastor Lloyd is going to take us to several places in the bible to show us how satan’s plan of deception is working, and what we can do to avoid falling for his lies.

The Antichrist - Part 2

July 17, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12

Satan has been plotting the destruction of God’s kingdom and those who dwell in it since the garden of eden. Pastor Lloyd is going to take us to several places in the bible to show us how satan’s plan of deception is working, and what we can do to avoid falling for his lies.