
Jesus to the Hurting and Hated - Part 1


December 30, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 18:35—19:27

Jesus wants us to come to the place where we realize He alone can help us and meet our innermost needs. That takes faith, and it was exhibited by the blind beggar we’ll introduce to you today. Jesus is about to heal him and send a message to the watching world that we don’t want to miss. Pastor Lloyd will be in Luke eighteen, beginning in verse thirty-five.

More from December 2021

Jesus to the Hurting and Hated - Part 2

December 31, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 18:35—19:27

Pastor Lloyd Pulley is taking us through the gospel of Luke. If you were with us last time, you’ll remember we began a teaching on those who were given an opportunity, and made the most of it, and others who didn’t. Let’s join Lloyd in Luke nineteen.

God Hears the Humble - Part 2

December 29, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 18:1–34

What must I DO to inherit eternal life? That’s the big question of the day as we turn back to Luke’s gospel. This question was posed by a rich young ruler, and Jesus would take this opportunity to provide a very clear answer we all can benefit from.

God Hears the Humble - Part 1

December 28, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 18:1–34

The internet has given a platform to anyone and everyone to extol the beauty of their greatness. Well. God is not particularly interested in people who credit themselves for all of their “great deeds”. He’s more interested in those who give God Himself all the glory.