
Sealed by the Spirit - Part 2


May 22, 2020 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Ephesians 1:13–14

Today we’ll return to Lloyd’s new series called “Christian Growth and Development”, as we continue to learn how to make the power of the Holy Spirit a constant part of our lives. One way to make the power of the Holy Spirit a part of our lives is to understand the basics of who He is, where He comes from and what He’s doing.

More from May 2020

Keeping the Connection - Part 1

May 31, 2020 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Colossians 4:2–6

To understand the great wisdom in Paul’s letter to the Colossians, it’s important to understand that he was writing to a group of Christians who had strayed a bit. They believed in Jesus Christ, but outside influences had caused their doctrine to become polluted with idol worship.

Keeping the Connection - Part 1

May 30, 2020 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Colossians 4:2–6

To understand the great wisdom in Paul’s letter to the Colossians, it’s important to understand that he was writing to a group of Christians who had strayed a bit. They believed in Jesus Christ, but outside influences had caused their doctrine to become polluted with idol worship.

Tried, Tested and Found True - Part 1

May 29, 2020 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Matthew 4:1–11

Last time, we were in the book of Matthew, and we’ll return there once again today. As we look at chapter four, we come across a scene that is familiar to most Christians. Jesus is fasting in the wilderness and is tempted repeatedly by satan. It’s in this area of life we sometimes make a mistake. It’s not a sin to be tempted - the sin comes when we succumb to that temptation! How did Jesus handle the temptation from satan?