
Paul Before Festus and King Agrippa II

Acts 25-26 (WMT6692)

May 7, 2024 • Cara Blondo • Acts 25—26

The Acts of the Apostles is an in-depth Bible Study course through the Book of Acts. The Book of Acts records the fulfillment of Jesus' Great Commission as Spirit-transformed disciples carried the Gospel to... Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.

If you could be known and recognized for something, what would it be? In Acts 4:13 it says, 'Now when they saw and heard the boldness of Peter and John, they were astonished and recognized that they had been with Jesus.' Do you long for the kind of relationship with Christ that your life is so touched, so changed and so set on fire for Him that others may see beautiful reflections of His character, His love and His life in you? Join us for some amazing adventures in the book of Acts and see how you too will be touched, changed and set aflame as you encounter Jesus.