
Essential Armor: Truth & Righteousness - Part 2


August 22, 2022 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Ephesians 6:14

Christians need the proper protection and armor, as we battle every day with satan. His goal is to separate us from our relationship with God. He’ll do just about anything to be successful. What’s the right kind of armor for us? That’s the subject of our current series - spiritual warfare! Join us in Ephesians six, as Pastor Lloyd shares a bit more about the belt of truth, and then goes in depth with breastplate of righteousness.

More from August

An Impossible Task Made Possible - Part 1

August 31, 2022 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • John 16:5–15

Today’s topic on Bridging the Gap is the Holy Spirit. When I say “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit”, immediately there are those who think something controversial is about to follow. There have been heated debates over the years concerning these gifts, but I think if you’ll join us over the next several broadcasts, much of that controversy will be resolved. We’ll begin our journey today in John 16:5.

Battling in Prayer - Part 2

August 30, 2022 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Ephesians 6:18–24

Today we bring to a close Pastor Lloyd’s series on spiritual warfare, titled “Spiritual Warfare 101”. The final aspect of our spiritual armor that Paul discussed in Ephesians six was prayer. Now, I realize that prayer isn’t necessarily connected with spiritual warfare, but if you understand what prayer is supposed to be then it makes perfect sense that communicating with God is a great way to combat our spiritual enemy.

Battling in Prayer - Part 1

August 29, 2022 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Ephesians 6:18–24

Pastor Lloyd Pulley will continue his series on spiritual warfare today, as we again open our bibles to Ephesians six. Prayer will be the topic today - something you might not consider when talking about spiritual warfare. Paul ends his instruction on spiritual warfare by imploring the Ephesians to pray.