
Relationship Not Religion - Part 2B


November 17, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 6:27–38

There are a lot of opinions out there these days about how a Christian should “act”. Some people will tell you a Christian should be seen and never heard. Others will say we should be standing on street corners shouting the gospel. How about we get the opinion of the one who really counts - Jesus Christ Himself.

More from November 2021

Lessons for Jesus' Disciples - Part 2A

November 30, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 9:37–62

Today, Pastor Lloyd Pulley resumes his expositional study of Luke, and turns our attention to chapter nine and verses thirty-seven through sixty-two. It’s another example of the Lord's amazing and miraculous power.

Lessons for Jesus' Disciples - Part 1B

November 29, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 9:1–36

We’re going to consider the first thirty-six verses of this great chapter, and specifically, two major events - Jesus predicting His own death, and then, the transfiguration. These two events are extremely relevant for us, and they tie a very neat bow around the great gift we have in Jesus as our messiah.

Desperate Evil Sees Glory Unfolded - Part 2

November 28, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Psalm 22