
True Faith Endures - Part 2


September 16, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • James 1:12–18

Everyone admires consistency. Having a friend who consistently supports you and encourages you is a real blessing. To be a consistent Christian is a real challenge, isn’t it? Trials come our way. Temptation is always out there. James has some great insights regarding consistency in the first chapter of his epistle.

Taming of the Tongue - Part 2

September 30, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • James 3:1–12

We’ve all experienced saying something that later we wished we hadn’t... whether it be a curse word, or something that hurt another a great deal. It’s amazing how such a small part of the body can have such a large impact. No wonder James likens it to a fire! Let’s see now how we can use it for good rather than evil.

Taming of the Tongue - Part 1

September 29, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • James 3:1–12

Today on Bridging the Gap, as we return to our study of James, we’ll be reminded of the power of words. They have the power to motivate millions of people to hang tough in a difficult situation, and they have the ability to cut a person to ribbons.

Real Live Faith That Works - Part 2

September 28, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • James 2:10–26

We are saved by grace and not by works. Then we run across verses in James chapter two that at first glance seem to contradict the doctrine of salvation by grace alone through faith alone: “Faith without works is dead.” But today on Bridging the Gap we’ll see that these passages are actually complimentary.