
Lesson 6 - Triumph in Forgiveness and Reconciliation


October 25, 2022 • Karen Pulley • Genesis 44:18—45:28

The Women’s Fall Bible Study will be looking at the life of Joseph in a new study called Finding God Faithful: Living a Life of Triumph.

What does it look like to live a life of triumph... and is it even possible? Broken relationships, despairing situations, and unrealized dreams, coupled with the enemy of our souls whispering lies of defeat, can cause life to feel complicated, confusing, and even hopeless at times. How our hearts long for a life that triumphs over circumstances, emotions, and relationships.

The life of Joseph shows us that this is not just wishful thinking but is possible! His life exemplifies a life triumphing in God’s grace, forgiveness, redemption, and sovereignty, where circumstances do not define him but rather God’s love does. We, too, can experience a triumphant life in Christ when we know that no matter what evil is seen around us or is happening to us, God’s greater plan and purpose will prevail as He weaves together the details of our lives for His glory and our good. He only asks us to trust Him in the process and walk obediently with Him.