
The Tragic Reign of Self - Part 1


January 20, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Jude 12–13

As Christians, we should also have a very healthy respect for God. He is, after all, the one who created us. One of the most popular ways of disrespecting God is to rely on your own wisdom instead of God’s. That kind of attitude leads to one thing - tragedy. We can see the evidence all around us.

More from January 2021

Community Tested - Part 2

January 31, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Joshua 22

On today’s broadcast - we hear of one instance recorded in the book of Joshua that tested this important truth. Some of God’s people, rather than enter into the land, chose to live on the other side of the Jordan. And it created some problems for them, and consequences which could have been avoided, if only they sought counsel from the Lord.

Community Tested - Part 2

January 30, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Joshua 22

On today’s broadcast - we hear of one instance recorded in the book of Joshua that tested this important truth. Some of God’s people, rather than enter into the land, chose to live on the other side of the Jordan. And it created some problems for them, and consequences which could have been avoided, if only they sought counsel from the Lord.

Lessons on Faith and Disappointment from Moses - Part 2

January 29, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Exodus 4—5

As Christians - we are called to face the battles of life by relying on the Lord and His Strength. One of the greatest examples of this was a great man named Moses. Today on Bridging the Gap - Pastor Lloyd Pulley will offer us some pointers which will really be beneficial for times of spiritual warfare.