
One Another


July 24, 2019 • Pastor Denny Barger • Romans 12

Pastor Denny Barger of Dreams Alive Ministries will be joining us for Midweek service tonight.

His love for the persecuted church has led him to serve in the former USSR, Europe and the Middle East. He planted Calvary Chapel of Southern Ocean County and has served with Open Door Ministries in the former USSR and as Senior Pastor of Saar Fellowship, an international church in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

In 2008 Denny and his wife Sue founded Dreams Alive: The Arab/American Alliance for Relief & Development. This took Denny around the US and Europe teaching Christians how to share their faith with Muslims.

Pastor Denny is on staff as a teacher at Calvary Chapel University and has taught previously at Calvary Old Bridge and has joined our Medical Missions team on several trips.