
Led by the Lord - Part 1


November 25, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Exodus 13

In Exodus chapter thirteen we see a great example of God’s protective nature for His people. It is the same protective love you and I can experience today. We may not need deliverance from slavery in a physical sense, but we certainly need deliverance from the slavery of sin.

More from November 2018

The Cost Of Compromise - Part 2

November 30, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Judges 2

King David, a man after God’s own heart. Paul, who went from a persecutor of Christians to writing much of the New Testament. And then there’s a man named Gideon. Gideon was given a great task to perform by God, and despite the seemingly long odds, he obeyed God and ultimately found victory.

The Cost Of Compromise - Part 1

November 29, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Judges 2

Today on Bridging the Gap, Pastor Lloyd Pulley shares once again about our higher calling as Christians. There are so many opportunities for us to have a great impact on the world, and the people around us. The question is, are we ready and willing to accept that challenge?

A Higher Calling - Part 2

November 28, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Joshua 1:1–3

In Judges chapter nine, we read an interesting fable about trees that were recruiting a King. Say what? I know, it sounds strange, but there’s a great lesson for us here, so stay with us.