
The Great Reset - Part 1


February 23, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Why do our political leaders in Washington seem so intent on adopting a radical change in direction? And what does COVID have to do with it? Those are all extremely important questions, and Pastor Lloyd will share his take on them over the next two broadcasts.

More from February 2021

Final Exhortations - Part 2B

February 28, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Joshua 24

Pastor Lloyd Pulley brings to a close our series in Joshua today. It’s been well said... “you can tell who your God is - by what you think about the most... and who you seek to please the http://most.these final words from Joshua will help assure your God is the right God, and settle this issue once and for all.

Final Exhortations - Part 2B

February 27, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Joshua 24

Pastor Lloyd Pulley brings to a close our series in Joshua today. It’s been well said... “you can tell who your God is - by what you think about the most... and who you seek to please the http://most.these final words from Joshua will help assure your God is the right God, and settle this issue once and for all.

Why Are You Fearful? - Part 2

February 26, 2021 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Matthew 8:23–27

If we really do trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and believe with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength that He died for our sins, and rose from the grave, then what is there to be afraid of? That’s the challenge Pastor Lloyd brings us today.