
You Are the Light of the World - Part 2

Matthew 5:14-16 (5230)

March 21, 2024 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Matthew 5:14–16

Light is an important part of life, even if we don’t completely understand it. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Himself said that Christians are “the light of the world”. What exactly does that mean? We’ll join Pastor Lloyd Pulley for some answers as we look at Matthew five, verses fourteen through sixteen.

More from March

Following the Risen Lord

March 31, 2024 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 24

On Easter, we acknowledge something extraordinary that happened in history. Here, we come to the account of the resurrection and the site of the empty tomb where the women find the stone rolled away and two men standing in dazzling clothing. Jesus responds to their doubts and slowness to believe that he was risen and alive as he said many times before. Pastor Lloyd examines the modern-day skeptics and doubters about Jesus' resurrection and why their arguments don't hold water. Because of the empty tomb, today's disciples have a message for the world to turn to Jesus and be delivered from sin.

Following the Risen Lord

March 30, 2024 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 24

On Easter, we acknowledge something extraordinary that happened in history. Here, we come to the account of the resurrection and the site of the empty tomb where the women find the stone rolled away and two men standing in dazzling clothing. Jesus responds to their doubts and slowness to believe that he was risen and alive as he said many times before. Pastor Lloyd examines the modern-day skeptics and doubters about Jesus' resurrection and why their arguments don't hold water. Because of the empty tomb, today's disciples have a message for the world to turn to Jesus and be delivered from sin.

Following Jesus to the Cross - Part 2

March 29, 2024 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Luke 22—23

Have you ever wondered why we call the day we remember the crucifixion of Christ, “Good” Friday? What could possibly be good about a death? A death undeserved? The intentional killing of an innocent man? That’s what pastor Lloyd will talk about today as we bring you the conclusion of a message he began yesterday, titled Following Jesus to the Cross”. We will be in there gospel of Luke.