
Guard Duty


October 27, 2018 • Pastor Ken Graves • 1 Corinthians 7, Matthew 19

Calling all men!
We live in a day when men need to be encouraged to act like men: men who lead their homes well, who honor God in their work, and who are fully committed to the Lord in all their ways. This year's men's conference is aimed at creating those kinds of men!

Pastor Ken is a dynamic speaker who mixes his rugged, masculine style with a vast knowledge of Scripture. He is the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Bangor, Maine. The church began in 1991 in his Bangor apartment with a core of about twelve people. Pastor Ken has also been actively engaged in residential discipleship, housing both men and women on the church campus and helping them find freedom in Jesus Christ. Pastor Ken has spoken at various Calvary Chapel men's conferences throughout the country and has delivered many powerful teachings through his fruitful years of ministry.

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