
What on Earth Is Going On? - Part 2


April 19, 2022 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Matthew 24

Today we bring you part two of a message Lloyd began last time, concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ. We are living in the end times. I'm sure you've heard someone say that. How do we know? How do we know that the return of Jesus is just around the corner?

More from April

Understanding the Struggle in Our Souls - Part 2

April 30, 2022 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Romans 7:14–25

The Effective Word of God - Part 2

April 29, 2022 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 1 Thessalonians 2:13

Jesus said that Christians are guaranteed to have trouble in this world. So why then would anyone want to become a Christian? Well, as one wise person once said, The worst day with Jesus is better than the best day with anyone else. As Christians, we may not always be happy, but we will always have that true joy that is found only in Christ Jesus.

The Effective Word of God - Part 1

April 28, 2022 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • 1 Thessalonians 2:13

Paul did not seek money or fame by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He did so with a pure and loving heart. That’s a good example of basic Christian living! Lloyd Pulley is in First Thessalonians, chapter two.