
Power of a Holy Life - Part 2


October 17, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Titus 1:10—2:10

Old age is an asset, not a liability, despite what our world teaches today. Those who are older in the faith have so much that they’ve learned about God. Yet, quite often - older people take on a different attitude.... “It’s time to let the younger people do it now, I’ll just sit back, do nothing, retire from serving God, and wait till He takes me home.” Today Pastor Lloyd encourage senior saints to be all that God wants them to be.

More from October 2018

Righteousness at Heart - Genuine Prayer & Fasting - Part 2B

October 31, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Matthew 6:5–18

Many helpful books have been written on the subject of prayer in response to the question, “how should I pray?” But, we need look no further than God’s Word for the most insightful direction. The Lord Jesus provides the answer to that question in His great Sermon on the Mount, and that’s what we’ll examine here today on Bridging the Gap

Righteousness at Heart - Genuine Prayer & Fasting - Part 2A

October 30, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Matthew 6:5–18

Have you ever thanked God for unanswered prayer? On today’s broadcast, Lloyd Pulley returns to the Sermon on the Mount, and the point at which Jesus teaches about prayer. Here - the Lord offers examples of the right way and the wrong way to pray.

Righteousness At Heart - Genuine Giving - Part 1B

October 29, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Matthew 6:1–4

There are many motives for giving, but we’ll see how to give for the right reasons today on Bridging the Gap. Pastor Lloyd is currently sharing a series in Matthew chapter six, and we’re discovering helpful lessons for Kingdom living as we go along. Our journey rests today on the first four verses of Matthew chapter six.