
Where in the World Are We? - "The Woes of a Nation" - Part 3B


March 17, 2023 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Isaiah 5

Today we continue Pastor Lloyd's new series titled “Where in the World Are We?”. Someone once said,”Discipline without freedom is tyranny.  Freedom without discipline is chaos”.  No one knows this better than God.  Discipline is an absolute necessity in our lives.  As we look at Isaiah chapter five today we get a glimpse of discipline - discipline meted out to a people who didn’t want to live within boundaries. Sound familiar?

More from March

The Heart and Blessing of a Spiritual Leader - Part 2

March 31, 2023 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Titus 1:5–16

At the present time, we are making our way through the book of Titus. Here in the first chapter, we read of a tough task given to a man named Titus, but this mission was possible through the power of almighty God. False prophets existed in that day, just as they do in our day. But the question is, how do we respond to them?

The Heart and Blessing of a Spiritual Leader - Part 1

March 30, 2023 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Titus 1:5–16

Today on Bridging the Gap, we’ll read of a difficult task given to Titus and it serves as a great model for us to observe. Someone has well said that a leader is someone who knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way.  We’ll see the truth in that statement played out through scripture here today on Bridging the Gap. 

Paul to Titus, A Message of Grace - Part 2

March 29, 2023 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Titus 1:1–4

While we make it our aim to be faithful to the Word, there are so many others out there who make a career out of distorting it and watering it down. Many of you know this already. There are scores of teachers both home and abroad whose motivation is impure and teaching is false. The question arises then, how are we to respond to them? The first chapter of Titus provides answers.