
Science Confirms Biblical Creation

Assorted Scriptures (6037)

October 23, 2023 • Dr. Jason Lisle

Dr. Jason Lisle is the founder of Biblical Science Institute, a creation science ministry helping others defend the Christian worldview against claims that the Bible, particularly Genesis, is unscientific. Dr. Lisle strongly believes Christians should be encouraged that science confirms what the Bible teaches and that the story of particles-to-people evolution is a myth.

Science Confirms Biblical Creation

Has science really disapproved Genesis? Far from it. Scientific evidence from many different fields align perfectly with a historical Genesis, but challenges the belief in particles-to-people evolution. At an easy-to-understand level, Dr. Lisle will cover the basics of genetics, information theory, radiometric dating and geology, showing how each of these fields of science confirms the biblical record of creation and a worldwide flood.