
Are You On The Right Path? - Do Your Deeds & Words Match? - Part 3A


November 23, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Matthew 7:21–29

We’re nearing the end of our study of the Sermon on the Mount. It ends with Christ’s comparison between the man who built his house on solid ground, and the man who built his house on sand. It’s a picture of how to build a solid life. If you’re wondering about the foundation of your faith, Lloyd’s message will provide some very timely answers about the proper building materials.

More from November 2018

The Cost Of Compromise - Part 2

November 30, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Judges 2

King David, a man after God’s own heart. Paul, who went from a persecutor of Christians to writing much of the New Testament. And then there’s a man named Gideon. Gideon was given a great task to perform by God, and despite the seemingly long odds, he obeyed God and ultimately found victory.

The Cost Of Compromise - Part 1

November 29, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Judges 2

Today on Bridging the Gap, Pastor Lloyd Pulley shares once again about our higher calling as Christians. There are so many opportunities for us to have a great impact on the world, and the people around us. The question is, are we ready and willing to accept that challenge?

A Higher Calling - Part 2

November 28, 2018 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Joshua 1:1–3

In Judges chapter nine, we read an interesting fable about trees that were recruiting a King. Say what? I know, it sounds strange, but there’s a great lesson for us here, so stay with us.