
Living Crucified and Resurrected Lives

Living Crucified

April 10, 2009 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Galatians 2:20

Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" certainly made the crucifixion of Jesus a national topic of discussion several years ago, didn't it? That's a good thing, but as Christians we need to consider another aspect of the incredible love Jesus displayed for us on the cross - how can we use that act of selflessness as a model for our lives?

Living Resurrected

April 12, 2009 • Pastor Lloyd Pulley • Galatians 2:20

Today we'll bring you a special message based in Galatians chapter two, verse twenty. Jesus indeed rose from the grave, and the proof was there for anyone to see - anyone that is who sought the truth. The proof that Jesus Christ rose from the grave is overwhelming, and anyone who disagrees simply doesn't know what they're talking about! Here's our teacher, pastor Lloyd Pulley with a challenge to love resurrected!