
Press on. Special Wednesday Service.

Philippians 3:12-16. WEDNESDAY. 01/06/2021

January 6, 2021 • Tony Castro, Matt Carver, and Paul Paopao

This day in history was a unique day. Many have been troubled by the deep distress coming upon our nation. Paul encourages us in Philippians 3:12-16 to press on for what Christ has reserved for us. By using the word "press" he encourages us to put effort into our relationship with Christ. It implies that there are things coming against us, whether temptations or fears or self-denying situations, that we are going to have to press through in order to have a flourishing walk with Christ. In fact these resisting factors actually give us the opportunity that we value Christ more than we value our lives in this world. So we are exhorted tonight to set our aim on what Christ has laid hold of us for, and run the race set before us.